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Will The Mario Movie Open Pandora's Box?
By WakeUpSnooze • 1 year ago

I wanted to give some time to see the general reception of the movie before putting this together, and I’d say we have adequate data. The word on the street is that critics are disappointed that in terms of story and character development, the movie is about as innovative as a new wheel. On the other hand, regular audiences seemed to enjoy the film and praised the voice acting, animation, and the love for the franchise felt by a wide array of references that probably demand a rewatch or two to catch them all. The only point I repeatedly see the regular audiences and critics agree on was that Mario and Luigi were separated way too much throughout the duration of the film. To me that sounds about exactly like the game itself. I don’t think anyone has ever booted up Super Mario Sunshine for the amazing story and complex characters. It’s meant to just be a fun ride, and the movie follows suit. I have no plans to ever see it, but I do hope the success of the movie encourages Nintendo to open some doors.

First, uh, well this has nothing to do with Nintendo but I’m sure these major blockbuster movies will work wonders for the NSFW industry. Artists are always looking to hop on whatever lewd trend is happening, and the lewd trends typically tend to come from whatever hot boys and girls are currently popular. I have no doubt that this movie generated a ton of renewed demand for Princess Peach porn. But what I and many others are truly anticipating is for Nintendo to give other franchises like The Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime the film adaptation treatment. Just think about how much Zelda and Link porn already exists, and now combine that with the popularity of a huge film? Keeping that train of thought in mind, it should come as no surprise that my ultimate prayer here is for Nintendo to give us a full movie starring Zero Suit Samus. Do that, and by god the porn of that character will reach all time highs. So will my dick. It honestly sounds like a recipe for success from the get go. Out of the three franchises I’d personally consider going to see a Metroid Prime movie in theaters, as I’ve always found the world interesting despite never playing any of them. I just hope they don’t incorporate the infamous backtracking into the movie too much.

Ticket for one please. Money is no object.

Love the movie for its simplicity, or hate it because you expected groundbreaking cinema… from a Mario movie… for some reason, so far it appears to have set a solid precedent for Nintendo entering their huge franchises into the industry. Plus considering the other video game movies of the past, that means this is actually a 5/5 certified fresh masterpiece wowza five stars piece of high art right here! Did you watch the Mario movie? Do you think it was successful? Will this encourage Nintendo to adapt their other big money makers? Sit down with some popcorn, pop a mushroom, and understand why the animation is so immersive as you get blitzed out of your mind like Mario in the comments below!