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Kitty Media Trying to Bring English Dubs Back to Hentai
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 6 years ago
β€’  13820  β€’   1 β€’ 25


I’ve been watching hentai for awhile now so you'll understand me when I say that I’m use to hearing Japanese voices. But I feel like the experience would be all the more better if I could understand what the person was saying to me instead of having to read the subs below. Well that dream can now be a reality with Kitty Media Hentai Heaven Collection.

At this point in time Kitty Media has released two volume of their Hentai Heaven Collection. The first volume includes Vampire Vixen and Fuzzy Lips, while the second volume includes Too Hot For Teacher and Sexual Sacrifice. They did something also kind of fucked up. They released a volume 2.5 that includes Sexual Sacrifice and Dishonor Student. Now this isn’t a second episode of Sexual Sacrifice, oh no, it’s the same episode as in volume 2. So if you bought volume 2 but want to see Dishonor Student, you’ll have to pay full price for just one episode. Bad kitty! (I stole that from an amazon comment).

Now I heard a little of the Vampire Vixen English dub and it’s actually pretty okay, it’s at least better than old hentai dubs. I have yet to jerk off to it so it's has yet to be seen if it's even good fap material, but maybe I’ll leave that for a comparison article in the future. 


Vampire Vixen, which is based on Doumou’s popular hentai manga Itadaki! Seieki!, tells the story of a male student named Kanzaki who receives an anonymous love letter from a secret admirer who wants to hook up with him. He's not sure what to expect on his first rendezvous but he would have never guessed to be greeted with a swift kick to the face! Meet Mari Setagoya, a sexy, confused and ravenously hungry succubus/vampire hybrid. After sucking some of his blood, Mari confesses to Kanzaki that she never truly acquired a taste for the red stuff. Since she is required to feed on bodily fluids for sustenance, they mutually agree on an alternative substance that Kanzaki is more than willing to supply!

Fuzzy Lips is based on the adult manga by INU and follows a young female student named Katakura Kon who enters into a forbidden, hyper-sexual relationship with her homeroom teacher, Mr. Kurosawa. Soon, Kon rarely attends classes and moves in with the teacher who tries to keep the arrangement a secret. Since neither is willing to verbally express their true feelings to each other, their frustration heightens and they resort to more and more intensive carnal explorations!

Vampire Vixen consists of a single 2-part episode- Dinner For A Vampire and Full-Course Dinner For a Vampire, followed by a bonus mini-episode, Sweets For A Vampire!

Too Hot For Teacher: is based on a popular hentai manga by Tsukiyoshi Hiroki and presents a humorous harem scenario as a quartet of lovestruck female students offer their bodies and souls to their beloved male school teacher in a series of off-beat, Olympic-style sexual encounters that truly test the teacher's physical endurance and frayed nerves. Things get considerably more challenging as each student frantically competes to become the first to bear the instructor's child!

Sexual Sacrifice: is based on the disturbing doujin manga by Kemigawa Mondo and chronicles the darkly erotic journey of Yurika, a beautiful rich college girl, who meets Yuusuke, a shy, awkward male student on campus. Together they initiate a sincere, warm relationship before fate intrudes! Suddenly, Yurika becomes aloof and seldom attends classes. One day, Yuusuke sees her whisked away into a mysterious limousine to report to the β€œMaster.” Distressed and heart-broken, Yuusuke soon receives a disturbing, mind-shattering live video stream on his cell phone and learns what has happened to Yurika. She has chosen to sacrifice her voluptuous body and dignity in exchange for sparing her father’s failing corporate enterprise from a takeover by the greedy, perverse β€œMaster.” Will Yurika survive the ordeal and her descent into degradation? Will Yuusuke ever see or hold his true love again?

Dishonor Student explores the perverse higher educational journey of Yoko, a top honor student, who is confronted by the school principal with photographic evidence of her lewd sexual conduct with her fellow female classmates. Threatened with disgrace and expulsion by the principal, she begs for leniency and offers her personal services to satisfy her professors’ every demand as payment for her sinful indiscretions. Shockingly, the faculty accepts Yoko's offer and so begins a wild carnal crash course of erotic exams unlike anything ever imagined in the hallowed halls of academia!


Kitty Media is keepin on and will be releasing Hentai Heaven Volume 3 on May 29 with Paid & Laid and Double Duty Nurse.


Paid & Laid details the dilemma of a hot high school teacher, Kasumi, and her sister, Kaho, who are both in deep financial debt to a local gangster loan shark. Okura, one of Kasumi’s concerned male students, learns of the sisters’ predicament and offers to pay off their debt in exchange for some very special favors! As payment for his charitable gesture, the girls agree serve as Okura’s personal sex slaves and satisfy his every fantasy and desire until the debt is fully reimbursed. (Two Episodes)

Double Duty Nurses exposes the secret experiments of the sexy Doctor Makimura who possesses a shocking anatomical secret and develops a new revolutionary sex stimulant drug. To observe the unpredictable and erotic effects of the strange red and blue pills, Makimura diabolically doses her staff of nubile nurses! When they pop the pills, the night-shift nymphs go on a wild gender-bender! The doctor’s bizarre plan and the unexpected body-altering side effects explode into an extreme trans-sensual experience! (Two Episodes)


Is this the start of English dubbed hentai revival or will this venture soon die out. We'll just have to wait and find out. And if you want any of these item and help hentai English dub stay alive, think about purchasing it at Amazon!


What do you think of English dubbed hentai? Is this a thing that you want? Would you buy a hentai Blu-Ray? Tell us in the comments below.

shinateku 6 years ago
I don't get why people are commenting they like the sub better. this product obviously isn't for you then. I mean if you like the subs better that's cool. Hentai Heaven is right there for ya.

also, yeah there have been cringy dubs but voice acting is being taken a lot more serious in this day and age. I'm going to give this a shot.
123Hentai 6 years ago
Neat, this will be fun to see how it improves :) I would *love* if they dubbed Resort Boin or hell Taimanin Asagi~
Anon - guest 6 years ago
I don't care for dub, I think the fact that they release UNCENSORED HENTAI is much bigger deal than the dub. I would buy them if they weren't region locked.
jupmod 6 years ago
I had stopped watching dubs long time ago, when I found the subs are better for me. I like hearing the characters in their original voices, not to mention I really hate it when they *edit* the anime for the American market. I want to watch the full non-edit versions. As for hentai, I rather they give me uncensored versions than subs. I'm a grown man, so I can handle it. Censors are for wimps.
Ihira 6 years ago
I'm not a fan of english dubs in hentai. I've seen it done and it is cringey. I can only handle the non-sex scenes with english voices. And I would never buy the blu-rays; I don't want people seeing the stuff I watch in physical form.
Oddest Ball 6 years ago
Man, I don't even watch ecchi anime dubbed.
HazardPhoenix 6 years ago
Not a fan of dub. I like reading, and hearing the actual language. So subs for me. As for DVD/Blue-Ray? I like watching them online. Makes me feel like a super jerk.
Anon - wolfman91 5 years ago
They now released Hump Bang with an english dub.
exodusee7 5 years ago
The only thing funnier than bad anime dubs from the 80's-90's is hentai dubs from the same (and even now) time period. Holy shit, it's impossible to hold a boner with some of the lines that get said. Bible Black alone is one of the most painfully hilarious dubs known to man.
ForestGWolfy 5 years ago