Ever dream of having a sweet school romance during your student days? To be honest, I was never very romantically popular at school (shocking stuff to hear from a writer in a hentai site, I know). But man, those romantic anime made me wish for it to the extent that I ended straight up depressed. So, how do you deal with the sadness of not getting attention from the opposite sex in school? By turning it into depravity, of course. When you're just focused on the absurdly depicted sexual scenes on a doujin, you don't feel the need for affection anymore! (Kinda) And when it comes to absurdly depicted sexual scenes with the absolute thickest, plumpest girls in existence, we have Fukuhara Takaya with the new doujin The Track And Field Club Manager Lets Me Do Whatever I Want To Her If It Makes Me Run Faster. This doujin features a ridiculously innocent shortstack that's super passionate about her track club, willing to do ANYTHING to get a guy with potential to realize it for the sake of the club, and thicker than a bowl of oatmeal mixed with cornstarch.
Talking about escapes from reality in my school days, we just cannot overlook videogames. They have always been the ally of the downtrodden, unpopular nerd and Pokémon doubly so. While I will always be a sucker for the older releases in terms of design and Pokémon selection, I can't deny that some top tier waifus have come from the later titles as well. In that vein, we have got I'll Be A Sugar Baby As Long As I Get To Do It With Friends by JILS, a juicy Sword & Shield Doujin that shows us Gloria and Marnie getting some extra money on the side by doing some dirty deeds for dirt cheap (No, seriously, he's not paid them once in the whole story). If you like your Pokégirls doing some morally reprehensible stuff in lingerie, we recommend choosing this one. With that, we will close with a translation tidbit, as usual. This week we will look at the term "Papakatsu" (パパ活) it's a portmanteau of the words "Papa" (father/daddy) and "katsudou" (activities). It's sometimes translated as just "prostitution" but it refers specifically to the "sugar baby/sugar daddy" dynamic where a younger, attractive girl gets money from an older man for monetary gain. It's getting more popular in Japanese content in recent years and it seems to have filled the niche that was previously occupied by "compensated dating" content. I wonder if it's because it's become actually more prevalent in real life? As always, big shoutouts to the translation and editing team, Lance & Strib as well as Robert & Samid for their quality work as usual.