I’m a busy man with trying to write articles for Doujins, making an adult visual novel, and training for a fighting game tournament, so I need a real good reason to use up some of my time to play a game, and I think I found one. I was always interested in Darkest Dungeon, with it’s cool art style and Dark Souls hellish but addictive difficulty, it was something that peeked my interested but not enough to make me put time into, until ShindoL came in a put his magic touch on it.
ShindoL’s dark and twisted mind goes so well with the dark and twisted world of Darkest Dungeons, so with his homemade sprites, he made the two work. When looking at ShindoL’s sprites you might consider that the game should have shipped with ShindoL’s art instead (no disrespect to the original artist). To help create these sprites he used jefutyart as a template.
ShindoL has made his skins for public use and can be downloaded HERE! The file comes with three characters, Crusader_S, Crusader_T, and Hellion_L.
Have you played Darkest Dungeon? Would you want a Darkest Dungeon game with only ShindoL's art? Should ShindoL make his own game?...Oh wait, he is...Tell us in the comments below.