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Audio Doujins: Taking a Sex Break With Lucy
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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I’m not sure how many of you watched the anime Servant x Service, but artist xtil, has made a lovely image set of the anime main female lead Lucy. She might not be a girl that many of you notice at first glance, but I’m sure she’ll be a girl you’ll remember after seeing how lewd she gets during lunch break. Lucy was voiced by a new voice here on and her name is Shenny, and she did a wonderful job at the role.

Lucy's Lewd Lunch Break

Lucy voiced by Shenny

You can check out xtil Patreon for more lewd goodies.

What did you think of Shenny’s performance? Have you watched Servant x Service? Would you have sex at work? Tell us in the comments.

jupmod 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
I might consider watching the anime. Lucy looks average in appearance, but boy, is she smokin' hot when she gets passionate during sex! Love seeing average pretty girls get it on! :)
Hectotane 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Servant x Service is basically another animu about a girl with big tits.

It's be nice if an anime had an ugly, fat girl starred in it. One who stays fat and ugly. Like, "Kiss Him Not Me" without the chara-loss reaction diet.
DiddyDong477 4 years ago
The voice acting was quality and I did not watch Servant x Service. I don’t think I would. But hey, that’s just my biased opinion.
exodusee7 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
So the only issue I have with this performance is that the pages where Lucy is not having
intercourse, she sounds strangely out of breath which is a bit odd considering they haven't
done anything that takes a physical toll. On page 14, Shenny nails it. She sounds perfectlyout of breath after having had sex.

Other than that nitpick, the overall performance was quite good.
jupmod 4 years ago
I watched all 13 episodes yesterday, and I have to say I really enjoyed this one-season series. It's refreshing to watch an anime that does not involve science-fiction or fantasy, as most anime are. A series about everyday people working as civil servants that is full of humor regarding romance and life. :) Looking now for more hentai doujins of SxS. Not many here so I have to look through Google.
Oddest Ball 4 years ago
Looks cute.