Audio Doujins: Taking a Sex Break With Lucy
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
I’m not sure how many of you watched the anime Servant x Service, but artist xtil, has made a lovely image set of the anime main female lead Lucy. She might not be a girl that many of you notice at first glance, but I’m sure she’ll be a girl you’ll remember after seeing how lewd she gets during lunch break. Lucy was voiced by a new voice here on Doujins.com and her name is Shenny, and she did a wonderful job at the role.
Lucy voiced by Shenny
You can check out xtil Patreon for more lewd goodies.
What did you think of Shenny’s performance? Have you watched Servant x Service? Would you have sex at work? Tell us in the comments.
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It's be nice if an anime had an ugly, fat girl starred in it. One who stays fat and ugly. Like, "Kiss Him Not Me" without the chara-loss reaction diet.
intercourse, she sounds strangely out of breath which is a bit odd considering they haven't
done anything that takes a physical toll. On page 14, Shenny nails it. She sounds perfectlyout of breath after having had sex.
Other than that nitpick, the overall performance was quite good.