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An Ironic Twist in the Love Live! Poster Controversy
By Yung Namahage β€’ 4 years ago
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Remember that Love Live! fruit advert with a poster that kinda made it look like Chika's crotch was visible? The same one that caused a big stink on social media? The one where fans of Love Live! managed to convince agricultural group JA Nansun to keep going forward with the collaborative campaign despite all the criticism? Because JA Nansun have revealed their next poster featuring Chika and people still aren't happy, but for different reasons.

Here's the latest offending image, an advert for Numazu Cha tea. A minimalist, almost ukiyo-e-esque illustration that shows Chika dressed rather chastely in a kimono as she blissfully inspects a tea leaf. It couldn't be more different from the last advert, even right down to its reception. The same people that complained about the last one are actually praising this poster, citing that it's more tasteful, the lack of hidden panty shots making it more suited for general audiences, and it has a certain traditional Japanese aesthetic about it. This time, it's the Love Live! fans that are mad.

Love Livers, particularly the Japanese ones, have a special devotion to their teen idol waifus. Sure, no one's complaining that the new poster isn't lewd enough, but plenty are saying that it isn't Love Live-ly enough. The last poster unmistakably features Chika Takami from Love Live! Sunshine!!, but some say if this one didn't have the logo in the top left it could be any generic, orange-haired girl. Others are complaining that JA Nansun intentionally softened the design this time around to appease the feminists that started the outrage in the first place, betraying the tens of thousands of otaku that defended them a few weeks ago.

This ordeal goes to show that you really can't please everyone. But enough of that, what do you guys think? Are JA Nansun pandering to the woke crowd or is just a wholesome new change of art style? Sound off below!

Anon - Anon-rifle 4 years ago
Reminds me of another thing where the SJW crowd talked about how they weren't gonna buy a game on launch cuz it had something offensive in but then after the product was changed to appease them actual gamers talked about how they were cancelling their pre-order and showed actual evidence of it, just goes to show that you should focus on the actual fans instead of trying to appease the SJW crowd.
Oddest Ball 4 years ago
I thought they would start whining about how her ass looks bigger.
MrObvious 4 years ago
Oh the Irony. You please one and you displease the other. I kinda like the simple to the point theme, this is an advertisement for produce NOT a full blown anime!
Anon - blueberry 4 years ago
They made one for one group, and another for another group. Everyone can enjoy the ad they like. Ppl need to relax.
Hectotane 4 years ago
Chika looks like she got a big ass.

My only complaint is that people should draw better. That's about it.
Anon - mayukawa 4 years ago
Most of this SJW don't even know the name of the girl behind the picture, they don't care about her, but they're offended. They're just people who compense their frustration trough social network, because they can't speak for themselves irl, because they are cowards. They don't want equality or justice, they want power.
Anon - mayukawa 4 years ago
Oh please. SJW are just a bunch of offended people who are outraged by anything. If you put a bouncy girl with large breast on a poster they're offended, if you put a young girl they're offended, if you put a girl with a skirt, they're offended, if you put a girl with a jersey, they're I bet they don't even know the girl from the poster or the content, they just WANT to be offended.
Azuelt8173 4 years ago
My question to all the people that bitched about the first advert is "Why the fuck you all looking at a 16 year-old's crotch?"
Washi-Washi 4 years ago
Oh dear, she looks fine. Anyway aqours is dying this year, nijigasakis getting an anime, so screw those hoes! Niji has kanata :)