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An Interview with Max - Evul Artist
By Kasaix • 6 years ago
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Kasaix: Hello Doujins! We’re here with another interview with a truly talented artist: Max! Also known as EvulArt or Evulchibi, though Max doesn’t seem evil at all…? Regardless of names, Max is a great artist I’ve been following for some time, and was lucky enough to sit down and discuss some art.

That said, thanks for hanging out Max. How’s it going?

Max: Hello everyone! Thanks for having me .

Kasaix: My pleasure. Let's start at the beginning, how did you start drawing? Was it a childhood hobby you kept up with as you got older?

Max: I actually started drawing pretty late in life , while I was in high school we used to pick on each other a lot and me and another classmate were firing back with very crude and offensive comics.

I guess that kinda sparked my interest but I didn’t really follow through with art at all, until i was 2nd year in college stuDYING computer science and engineering, when I kinda said fuck this shit it was completely not what I wanted to do as the system here in Bulgaria is about 20 years behind so i felt i was wasting my time learning things that are completely irrelevant because the field is really , really quick to evolve and the teachers were really far behind.

Thus I enrolled Graphic Design in a more modern college and started drawing a little by little

Kasaix: Wow, that's fascinating. Spite lead you to art, against another classmate, and against outdated technology in school. I respect that.

What is your favorite subject to draw, concerning characters and situations? There's plenty of sexy young ladies in your gallery.

Max: I don’t have a particular subject that I prefer as the interest constantly shifts.
Overall I think drawing nature themes is what I enjoy the most as its the most relaxing.

Kasaix: Happy little trees, and fluffy clouds.

Almighty mountains.

Max: Exactly, some Bob Ross stuff

Kasaix: Haha! Yes, I am so glad you got that reference!

Something I've been curious about, you were the artist behind a cover of a popular book series: Eternities: LitRPG Adventure 2: Revenge of the Pleasure Slave, which can be seen here:

How did that come about?

Max: Aye I was the artist behind this, its a fairly popular drawing, yet I don’t find it that great for some reason.
I recently finished another cover for the same author for another book, but I'm still waiting for the green light to post the drawing so stay tuned!

Kasaix: Awesome! I'm going to look forward to the next cover. I like it this one, of course. I'm not a fan of the theme, slavery, humiliation and all that. The girl is hot though, and that angry, defiant look is great. Did the author approach you to draw the cover, or did you apply for the job?

Max: I'm also against those subjects as stated in my commission policy, I don’t draw bondage or something that might insight violence or non consent, which I made clear to the author when she approached me with this commission, she did send me the novel and explained that the protagonist (the beautiful elf)  is kick ass and she’s about to escape the slave auction with her goblin friend, who can be seen in the cover as well looking in disgust at the orcs.

Kasaix: I respect that. You have things you won't draw, regardless of the price.

What is your process for going into a project like this, and how long does it take you to finish it?

Max: Well this was a captivating project, as I’ve never been commissioned for making a cover of an actual book, all my previous drawings were commissioned for personal use  or non mass distribution.

As far as the process goes it wasn’t really that different from other drawings.

I did my research of how slave auctions were conducted, googled some slave auction images to better imagine and feel the scene and I went as normal, sketching a few ideas and picking my best angle.
I already have enormous experience of drawing elves so it was a straight forward drawing

Kasaix: Yes, your elf ladies are always great. I'm glad you had some fun with the project, there's a lot of detail in there, which is why I like it despite not being a fan of the general theme. Your pictures in general are quite deep, and you should definitely be proud of that.

What would you say is your best picture? Something you'd readily show off to potential customers.

Max: Hmm that’s a tough one, like asking a mother which child is her favorite.

I would say 


Kasaix: Excellent choices. The glowing symbol on the rock in Prologue, does it have special meaning, or is it just something you thought of?

Max: Like stated in the description this is a drawing based on a location found in my Dungeons and Dragons campaign

Those are symbols, its a lvl 7 spell which usually should be hidden but since the encounter is a very low level one and made for fun I left them visible so that at least one of the smart ones rolls an investigation and notices that the elves are high level spell casters and shouldn’t be attacked
In the rare case someone is very edgy, they pay a heavy price, hah.

Kasaix: I mean, I might still go for it. Yeah they're high level, but they're super hot, so it might be worth the risk.

Max: It’s a social encounter not a fight, so hope there is a good bard in the group or someone with good charisma ^_^

Kasaix: Spec into charisma, gotcha.

Do you have a dream project in mind you definitely want to work on sometime in the future? A full comic or something like that?

Max: Oh yes,
At the current moment I'm working with a friend on a graphic novel, based on the world of warcraft universe as we both are massive fans.
It’s still completely new so I'm still doing concepts in my mind about the protagonist. I'm currently very overwhelmed with commissions due to some real life issues but once these are cleared, hopefully in a month or so I'll shift focus more on the project

We're hoping to actually have printed versions of this when it’s done.
The project itself isn’t erotica but a more serious themed story. Who knows, I might do spin offs to lighten up some scenes

Kasaix: That sounds amazing. I can't wait to see it. I wish you both luck on what promises to be an incredible project.

Max: Thanks! I really hope people like it.

Kasaix: Me too, you're an incredibly talented artist, so I have high hopes it'll receive its due praises.

Let's wrap this up so you can get back to that project. Do you have any final thoughts for your fans?

Max: Another Settlement Needs Our Help

Kasaix: Another one? I'm hip deep in mutants right now!

Max: Thanks for having me! This was fun to do

Kasaix: My pleasure. I hope to have the chance to talk with you again soon.

Another huge thanks to Max for hanging out. If you’d like to continue following his work, links are provided below:

Hentai Foundry:


