
Got tired of ghost writing for Kinky and got a real account. I do the game reviews a lot. But I don't play games with your heart. 

I code for Kinky's game Personality which is kinda shit but don't tell him I said that.

When I'm not here, I'm snoozing at @WakeUpSnooze.

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Articles by WakeUpSnooze
Introducing The Apple Vision Porn Headset
The past is a memory. The present is a present. The future, well by god, the future is here boys. Augmented reality has taken a great leap forward with the introduction of the all new Apple Vision Porn headset. Wait a minute… I’m hearing from my editor that it's the Vision Pro. Not porn. Okay well that dulls my excitement a good bit. Oh, it costs HOW FUCKING MUCH? As with 99% ...
Persona 3 Remake Reloads My Cock
Ladies. Gentlemen. Shadows. Grab a gun, point that shit at your head, and get ready to stare down Death in the face one more time. Earlier this year I covered a supposed leak of an upcoming Persona 3 remake where a clip was circulating that showed Yukari scoring a critical hit on an enemy. At the time people weren’t sure if this was real or a fanmade project to stir up the community. ...
Is The Super Mario Bros. Movie Too Successful?
A month or two ago I headed with some friends to a movie theater. Ready to spend way too much on popcorn and sit in a theater where you can’t actually talk to your friends for the duration of the movie, I was prepared to buckle down and see what the Super Mario Bros. Movie was all about. And by god, it was an enjoyable little experience. Not sure if I’d ever pay money again ...
"Demon Slayer Is Carried By Animation"
Once upon a time I stumbled across this take a few weeks ago. I believe it was one of those weird YouTube community posts they recommended you now on your home page. “Damn that’s crazy”, I thought, thinking this to be an isolated incident. However as time flew by and we delved deeper into the season, I’ve actually heard the sentiment among a good number of people that Demon ...
Do You Bother With A VPN For Porn?
Browsing the internet can be a scary task when you’re charting unfamiliar territory. That’s why I use NordVPN, the sponsor of today’s video. Did you know that going incognito mode isn’t — OKAY WAIT PLEASE, I’m kidding, I’m jesting. YouTubers tend to get a small array of repeat sponsorships and VPNs are always near the top of the list. Interestingly enough they often ...
Are Some Girls Truly Too Hot?
Anime girls are fake. Every last one of them isn’t real. Damn. Or perhaps, sugoi? The fact that anime girls are fake means my normal types and preferences may not apply. For example, when it comes to real girls I have this, uh, complex. Not like an incel complex, but rather a complex that once they reach a certain level of hotness, they start becoming less attractive to me. I ...
Wait, Weebs Still Don't Shower?
It’s been a bit of a meme for years now that anime fans and fans of anime adjacent hobbies don’t know how the hell to take a shower. Well, at least I thought it was a meme. I’ve been to a couple of conventions in my lifetime and while I was surrounded by fellow weebs, I don’t remember any pungent smells drifting their way into my nostrils. I was more put off by the clearly ...
Splatoon 4 Announced by... Square Enix?
As I was skimming through the latest Playstation announcement video on the hunt for news about Spider-Man 2, I stumbled across a title I didn’t expect. A new Splatoon game! Or, wait, I thought Splatoon was on Nintendo consoles only? Yes that’s correct, what I had in fact discovered was none other than an announcement for Foamstars. Now keep in mind I didn’t even know the name ...
Anime Industry Veterans Fight For Better Conditions
It’s no secret that animators and artists continue to struggle to get proper compensation in Japan. There’s a reason everyone calls employees at MAPPA slaves. This has resulted in a bit of a brain drain as talented creatives are swayed by that sweet sweet Chinese money. Ever noticed how many Chinese games have fantastic anime-style art nowadays? That’s no coincidence. On the ...
How To Write A Romantic Misunderstanding
Allow me to summarize the most disgustingly overused anime romance trope: the misunderstanding. Guy and girl hang out. They begin to like each other. Time passes. One or both is close to confessing. However, in a shocking turn of events… the girl catches the guy TALKING to another side character girl behind the lockers. Oh dear. Well, the case is closed. The guy is a cheater scumbag ...