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Splatoon 4 Announced by... Square Enix?
By WakeUpSnooze • 11 months ago

As I was skimming through the latest Playstation announcement video on the hunt for news about Spider-Man 2, I stumbled across a title I didn’t expect. A new Splatoon game! Or, wait, I thought Splatoon was on Nintendo consoles only? Yes that’s correct, what I had in fact discovered was none other than an announcement for Foamstars. Now keep in mind I didn’t even know the name of this title at the time. All I saw was a bunch of characters jumping around with weapons that splattered the terrain with different colors and Splatoon came rushing to my mind like the answer to a question on a trivia quiz. Here’s the official trailer for you to draw your own conclusions.

So how are we feeling about this? Obviously no game has a copyright on an entire niche genre. There’s a reason that 5000 Smash Clones exist. However when you make a “clone” game it’s pretty blatantly obvious, which means you really need to make it clear you’re committing to bringing about a separate and unique experience to players by changing the formula in some way that’s positive. Otherwise you end up with a Multiversus situation. Remember the hype for that Smash clone? And now it rests at a pitiful 221 player count on Steam at the time of writing… with the all-time peak being 153,044 players. Zoinks. From the trailer this looks like nothing more than an uninspired cash grab to me. Another desperate move by Square Enix to get some change in their pocket. That being said I’m a bit uneducated to have a valuable opinion as I’ve never touched Splatoon in my life. Perhaps I’m saying the equivalent that “Street Fighter and Tekken are basically the same game series” which couldn’t be further from the truth. On the  brightside, some people were jesting that this game is merely a way for Splatoon fans to draw sexy pictures of older looking characters, and that this will bring balance to the lewds in the paint shooting genre. To that end, I say huzzah!

Alright, that's enough negativity for one day. I’ll be interested to see how many people hop on the battlefield and start spraying paint, er, foam. Did you see the announcement for this game? Do you think it’s too similar to Splatoon, or will it have its own flair to the concept? Grab a foam gun, spray your foam on the enemies, and… just spend your time looking up lewd art of the game in the comments below!