Most Enraging Netorare Series (according to the angry comments...)
Usually businessmen try to produce products that will make their customers happy; movies that pander to audiences and end with a happy good-feeling. But this isn't business; this is fucking art, hentai art. And we're hentai artists, hentai artists with the 'don't like my product? well then fuck you' attitude. Once in a while one of these rogue artists decides he doesn't want to ...
Top 10 Naruto Doujins Of All Time
Ninjas Need Love Too(Gift For The Main Characterby Stikyfinkaz-003 of DeviantArt)Narutois the most popular anime franchise of the last decade, with the manga running 72 volumes from September 1999 – November 2014, and the anime ran from October 2002 - March 2017 totalling 720 episodes. Still, it spawned a surprisingly few number of doujins; only 199 according to our current count. ...
Welcome to Doujins 4.0
By Paul Fidika • 7 years ago, formerly Doujin-Moe, has gone through 2 url changes and 3 complete redesigns since we launched over 11 years ago in 2006. We've come a long way since I cobbled some open-source PHP image gallery software together with some crude graphics from Paintshop Pro. Back in 2013 we launched Doujin-Moe 3.0, which redesigned the way people viewed hentai. When we began development ...