7 Hentai-Manga that NEED to be a Hentai-Movie Adaptation
(Image taken from the anime Shuffle! which began as an eroge)Quality hentai-movie production in Japan has slowed to a tricke; we're lucky if we get a dozen or so good hentai movies a month from all the produciton studios in the country. All the more reason to spend that animation budget in the right places. If I had my pick of the liter, what hentai-manga series would be the best ...
Famous Manga Authors Who Started Out Drawing Porn: Part 2
In a previous article, I showcased five legendary mangaka who have drawn hentai. It was surprising, as one hardly suspects that the likes of Masamune Shirow would draw hentai. However, he did, and we are all the more better for it. Below, you will find a list of five more mangaka who have drawn naked sexy women in compromising positions.1. Osamu TezukaYes, the creator of Astro Boyhas ...
Futanari Hentai That Will Make You Reconsider Gender-Roles
(Poison by Chinbotsu)Guys love lesbian sex, but sometimes you want something a bit extra. There's toys and clit-rubbing action for sure, but there's another, darker option: you want to see some dick-penetrating action, without the dude. Hence futanari, chicks with dicks, were born. Mysteriously they sometimes have balls, sometimes not, but they're almost always well-endowed and ...
Top 5 Most Fappable Gaming Franchises
Ever wonder what gaming community produced the most porn in Japan? Will I did, so I went and did the research... ya... that's what we'll call it. I looked at doujins.com to see what it could bring to bear, and boy it brought a lot. From old classic games to some new giants to industry defining franchises, let's take a look what these series have to offer up to the almighty rule ...
Famous Manga Authors Who Started Out Drawing Porn
Have you done any research on your favorite manga artists? If you want to remain innocent, you probably shouldn't. Some of the great Japanese artists of our time have also drawn some great hentai. I've done this research and was quite pleased with the results. Here are 5 popular manga authors who started out humbly drawing hentai:1. Satoshi UrushiharaMany years ago, I sat down ...
The 20 Most Ridiculous Light-Novel Titles That Actually Exist
The modern trend in American entertainment titles is to pick names that are as short and artisticly simple as possible; like 'Dunkirk', 'Logan', or 'Baywatch'. Japanese light-novels on the other hand have gone in the complete opposite direction; their ridicilously verbose titles are more like summaries of the most ridicilous plots imaginable, with readers having to invent nonsensical ...
10 Amazing Manga Series You've Probably Never Heard Of
(Image taken from the manga Bakuman)There are many anime adaptations taken from anime or light novels, many of them meeting lukewarm reviews. However, there are far more manga out there, truly great ones, that have never seen an anime adaptation. They rightfully deserve one, a season at least, to show off their stuff. Below is a list of some woefully underappreciated manga or manwha ...
Most Enraging Netorare Series (according to the angry comments...)
Usually businessmen try to produce products that will make their customers happy; movies that pander to audiences and end with a happy good-feeling. But this isn't business; this is fucking art, hentai art. And we're hentai artists, hentai artists with the 'don't like my product? well then fuck you' attitude. Once in a while one of these rogue artists decides he doesn't want to ...
Top 10 Naruto Doujins Of All Time
Ninjas Need Love Too(Gift For The Main Characterby Stikyfinkaz-003 of DeviantArt)Narutois the most popular anime franchise of the last decade, with the manga running 72 volumes from September 1999 – November 2014, and the anime ran from October 2002 - March 2017 totalling 720 episodes. Still, it spawned a surprisingly few number of doujins; only 199 according to our current count. ...
Welcome to Doujins 4.0
By Paul Fidika • 7 years ago
Doujins.com, formerly Doujin-Moe, has gone through 2 url changes and 3 complete redesigns since we launched over 11 years ago in 2006. We've come a long way since I cobbled some open-source PHP image gallery software together with some crude graphics from Paintshop Pro. Back in 2013 we launched Doujin-Moe 3.0, which redesigned the way people viewed hentai. When we began development ...