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Famous Manga Authors Who Started Out Drawing Porn: Part 2
By Kasaix • 7 years ago
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In a previous article, I showcased five legendary mangaka who have drawn hentai. It was surprising, as one hardly suspects that the likes of Masamune Shirow would draw hentai. However, he did, and we are all the more better for it. Below, you will find a list of five more mangaka who have drawn naked sexy women in compromising positions.


1. Osamu Tezuka

Yes, the creator of Astro Boy has animated naked women. In fact, if you know your history of hentai, Tezuka helped to create some of the first hentai ever made. A Thousand and One Nights, made in 1969 and Cleopatra, made in 1970. In recent years, Tezuka's daughter, Rumiko, was able to open a drawer in one of his desks, locked since his death in 1986 with the key missing, and uncovered a series of drawings of an anthromorphic female mouse. Rumiko described it as "cute" and was unfazed by the discovery.

In Tezuka's formative years, his mother would often take him to Takarazuka Theatre, which would inspire his costume designs, and his father would show him Disney films, something he quite enjoyed. He began to draw during his second year of elementary school and continued his love of art even during his time working in a factory during World War II.

When he was 17 he published his first work, Diary of Ma-chan. His friend at the time, Shichima Sakai convinced him to draw a manga based on Treasure Island, leading to the creation of New Treasure Island, an instant success that started the golden age of manga. In 1946, he published Professor Atom, the first appearance of Astro Boy.

Sadly, Osamu Tezuka died February 9, 1989 at the age of 60. He was known as "the godfather of manga", the "god of manga", and was widely considered the Japanese equivalent of Walt Disney.


2. Kenichi Sonoda

Sonoda is best known for his work on Gunsmith Cats, which be began in 1991 and finally concluded in 1997 after a hiatus. In 2004, he returned to the world of Gunsmith Cats with his manga Gunsmith Cats Burst, which concluded in 2008. He first got his start in anime in 1984 at the age of 21, working at Artmic. While there, he worked on such titles as Bubblegum Crisis and Gall Force.

He also works in the hentai scene, with such titles as the one above: Sono Ken Doujin, or Megaton Punch 1 with the group Ganso Sonodaya.


3. Maki Murakami

Murakami wears her love of yaoi on her sleeve. She is most famous for her title Gravitation. This shounen-ai title was the first of its kind to really break into mainstream media. It's quite the extensive franchise, with an anime, novels, and even a sequel to its list of works, Graviton EX, which is still ongoing. She has also worked on other titles, such as Kanpai! and Gamerz Heaven, but neither are as popular or prolific as her Gravitation series.

Murakami got her start in the manga industry working as an assistant to her older sister and one of her friends drawing hentai manga while attending high school and produced doujinshi about musicians. This theme stayed with her into her more famous work, Gravitation, as it showcases an aspiring singer.

Murakami still works on hentai and doujinshi with her Crocodile Avenue doujinshi circle. Her works here mainly parody her own works, such as the one above: Gamerz Heaven! Director's Cut Kaito Hen. She loves boys love, and that is a good thing.


4. Rei Hiroe

Given how violent, gritty, and sexual Hiroe's popular series Black Lagoon is, can anyone really be surprised that he also publishes hentai works? Black Lagoon takes place in fictional Roanapur, Thailand and follows the adventures of pirates from the Lagoon Company.

His various works were originally published in the 1990's by Kadokawa Shoten, until he changed publishers to Shogakukan in the early 2000's, who re-released his early works as well as Black Lagoon. Besides Black Lagoon, he had also worked on Gunparade March as an author.

In the hentai world, Hiroe works under the pen names TEX-MEX and Red Bear. He publishes such works as the one above: Rider-san To Asobou.


5. Kouta Hirano

Hirano makes it no secret that he works on hentai. Even today, he works in the circle GUY-YA with Red or Die mangaka Shutaro Yamada. They have quite a catalogue, such as the one above: Angel Dust, a Hellsing parody. Besides his own series, Hirano also creates parodies of Cowboy Bebop and Ah! My Goddess.

Hirano has said that he learned how to draw manga from Akira Toriyama and Akira Sakuma's Hetappi Manga Kenkyūjo, a series that teaches readers how to draw manga. It was published in Fresh Jump from 1982 to 1984, and collected in a single book in 1985. A sequel called Hetappi Manga Kenkyūjo R was written and illustrated by Yusuke Murata from 2008 to 2010 in Weekly Shōnen Jump.

He first began as a mangaka assistant, and confessed that he was lazy in that position. He later went on to publish some hentai works until finding success with Hellsing, a truly epic story about a religious order hunting down vampires. Around that time, Hirano's other work, called High-and-Low was also being published. It featured character of similar appearance as Helsing and Yumiko from Hellsing and Crossfire in a World War II setting as Axis Spies. However, it was discontinued after a single chapter in favor of Hellsing. Hellsing eventually ended in 2008, and Hirano began work on another series known as Drifters, a terrific series showcasing historical figures such as Oda Nobunaga fighting monsters in another world.


 What did you think about these five famous mangaka and their other works? Have you found titles you feel you need to read? Do you know of other mangaka who deserve the spotlight for their hentai works? Let us know in the comments blow!

Baseel, Casey, (29 Mar. 2014). Daughter of Osamu Tezuka, God of Manga, discovers his stash of hand-drawn sexy mouse artwork; Sora News 24,

Wikipedia, (n.d.). Osamu Tezuka; Wikipedia,

Wikipedia, (n.d.). Kenichi Sonoda; Wikipedia,

Wikipedia, (n.d.). Maki Murakami; Wikipedia,

Wikipedia, (n.d.). Rei Hiroe; Wikipedia,

Wikipedia, (n.d.). Kouta Hirano; Wikipedia,

Believer 7 years ago
While I don't think that he's a hentai artist per say, Go Nagai I feel probably had a big impact on making taboo more acceptable in the community.
Jagsenpai 7 years ago
I had no idea so many well known manga creators drew hentai. But it makes ohhh so much sense lol. Makes me wish Kishimoto did hentai. It'd be better than any Naruto doujin out there (considering it would be done by the legend himself)!
Punk 434 7 years ago
can i evolve and make some blogs on this site?