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Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead Getting Anime Spin-Off on Netflix
By Yung Namahage β€’ 3 years ago
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Zack Snyder is a director who''s been on a lot of people's minds lately. Ever since he stepped down from Justice League a few years ago due to his daughter's tragic death, fans have been demanding his definitive version of the movie as opposed to the tonally uncertain mess Joss Whedon put out. After what was probably the biggest example of collective fan outrage since the Sonic movie redesign saga, Warner Brothers caved in to their demands and let Snyder release the gloomiest, longest, slow motion-est DC film to date.

Netflix must've taken note of the demand for more Snyder content and offered him the opportunity to write, produce and direct his most self-indulgent project yet, free of studio interference and with plenty of space for more. Army of the Dead was released on the platform earlier this week; an action heist thriller set in a zombie-filled Las Vegas that intends to kickstart an entire cinematic universe.

The movie itself works as a heist movie with zombies, and even the zombie element has a nice  twist differentiates it from most other zombie media out there. But for everything cool or interesting, there seems to be one or two awkward decisions shortly after - something I've felt with a lot of Snyder's work in the past. Like a nicely shot fight scene followed by cringey dialogue and stupid stock sound effects, or the introduction of a pretty cool monster that doesn't really pose a threat or do anything until right at the end of the movie. Imagine Sucker Punch and 300 mixed with Dead Rising, or From Dusk til Dawn without the clever twist and that's pretty much it.

Much like his cut of Justice League, Army of the Dead goes out of its way to set up a sequel. But that's not all; Netflix have already greenlit Army of Thieves, a prequel movie featuring the past escapades of the wacky safecracker character Dieter, as well as an "anime-style" series titled Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas.

Lost Vegas follows the early stages of the Vegas outbreak and the backstories of some of the movie's main cast, including Dave Bautista's, Omari Hardwick's and Ana de la Reguera's characters. The film's returning cast members will reprise their roles along with a few alumni from Snyder's other movies. From Sucker Punch we have Vanessa Hudgens and Jena Malone, while Joe Manganiello, Harry Lennix and Ray Porter work with Snyder once again after Justice League

The series will be produced by Meduzarts Animation Studio, who usually work on 3D animations for video games. 3D and anime don't always mix, no matter how much Netflix has tried with their other original content, so we'll have to wait to see how Lost Vegas compares to other Netflix anime such as Kengan AshuraAltered Carbon: Resleeved and Ultraman.

So, have you guys seen Army of the Dead yet? Is it worthy of an entire expanded universe, including an anime series? Let us know below!

katkenny32 3 years ago
I watched it and thought it was pretty good. The concept seemed pretty original and the opening scenes plus the Vegas shots were very well detailed. Defiantly departs from George Romero's vision. For me it was the first real live action block buster since the pandemic shut everything down. Until we see animation I will hold my judgement.
Anon - LeecherMan 3 years ago
I've seen "Army of the Dead" - awful movie. I mean seriously: terrible! I could have turned off the audio and would still have been able to guess dialogues easily. So predictable. Some funny scenes I must admit, like using zombies to check for ... no spoiler here ... but arg ... terrible! And Dieter get's his own series? Oh Lord! (o_O) ...
exodusee7 3 years ago
The movie was fucking awful. Terrible action, nonexistent horror, bad acting, bad special effects, like the
list goes on and on. From the "genius" who brought us Sucker Punch remember?

Of all the movies that deserve an anime, THIS is way near the bottom of the fucking list.
Anon - A. Nonymous 3 years ago
I haven't seen Army of the Dead myself, but everybody I know who has loathes it (which is why I haven't seen it). If Netflix is giving it sequels and spin-offs, that's almost a guarantee that it's trash.