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You're A Grand Wizard, Harry
By WakeUpSnooze β€’ 2 years ago
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Well, it’s finally time. If you haven’t heard of the long, lengthy, plethora of controversies associated with the Harry Potter game Hogwarts Legacy then you have truly managed to take refuge in some well protected corners of the Internet. However, if you’re like the 95% rest of us then it’s probably all you’ve heard about since the game's release. I wanted to stand strong and not do an article on this, but as time passed and the title earned more and more traction, I can’t help but recap the events that have unfolded and where that has led to. On the brightside I have not seen a single Harry Potter movie in my entire lifetime, so I can 100% guarantee for sure no strings attached that I will be safe from any bias whatsoever (never trust anyone who says shit like that). 

So what happened so far? Hogwarts Legacy released for the major consoles and PC on February 10th, but actually if you paid a little extra then it opened up on February 7th. Since then the Internet has been waged in a war between those who bought the game and those who either boycotted it or didn’t care enough to buy it to begin with. Why? Well the author of Harry Potter has said quite the β€œinteresting” statements over the years. This would be way too long of an article to explain the entire history, but just know that trans people and those associated with them aren’t too fond of the comments JK Rowling has made about their existence. Anyway, the game came out and divided the world. But perhaps boycotting wasn’t far enough. Perhaps feeling a bit dissatisfied given the game’s success, those who hated it began spoiling the story all across social media hoping to further ruin the game’s ability to grab an audience. Moreover they posted many memes and messages that by buying the game you are supporting a terrible person and therefore should be ashamed. So how did our protest end? Well, the game is currently the ninth Steam game of all time with the most concurrent players. Oh, and it rose to the top of Twitch as the most viewed game of February right now.

I'm afraid nothing could take down the Just Chatting game though, it's truly nothing to play with.

Wherever you stand it would be unfair to say the game was anything other than a big success, at least from a business perspective. But is it still a horrible situation where people are supporting a piece of shit just so they can be a wizard? Eh, not quite. Let’s be real, outside of creating the property JK Rowling had nothing to do with this game. She wasn’t in there coding the battles, she wasn’t producing the 3D models, and she certainly wasn’t conducting the soundtrack. There were countless other people who worked on the game whose livelihood depended on the game’s and studio’s success. If you want to boycott the game to spite the author then by all means go ahead, but condemning others for enjoying a game based on a franchise that is downright magical to many across the world where said author probably wasn’t even involved that much, seems out of pocket to me. Being honest, we all likely support some product or service that’s sourced in a shitty way or owned by a shitty person. And I’m not saying that to imply we should just give up and never boycott anything, but tearing non-boycotters down to seem higher when these same people likely buy child labor-sourced products from another country is at best ironic and at worst depressing.

So that about sums up the situation so far. In short, a lot of buzz but not much real action to prevent this game from being a major success through a financial lens. I have no opinion or information about the actual gameplay but I hope the fans are enjoying it. And I hope that those who did boycott the game can feel proud they stood for something and can be happy with that sentiment and not attack others on Twitter for clout points. Have you played Hogwarts Legacy? Were you aware of the Internet storm surrounding it? Grab your wand, put on your robe, and fly down on your broomstick to the comments below!

WM-R 2 years ago
I was aware of the Internet storm, but I genuinely do not care what some ass hidden behind an Internet avatar has to say. It looks like fun, it looks well made, I'm not a particularly big fan of the Harry Potter universe but familiar enough that I can quite enjoy it. That's all I need, really.

Plus, it's all well and good to boycott it _now_, but watch what happens when they give in.
Anon - Warthog 2 years ago
Rowling has made no statements regarding transgenders' existence. That in itself is bald-faced lie pushing a disingenuous narrative about what she's actually said.
XYZDragonCannon 2 years ago
Everything and everyone is shitty when you get down to it. JK Rowling is definitely a piece of shit, but acting superior and harassing people over stuff like this is stupid. Only the most diehard people give a shit about what JK Rowling thinks. Most people don't know or care; it doesn't make them horrible. Rowling has already been paid. Want to support trans people? Get active. Run for office.
fancy_5557 2 years ago
I think people are forgetting the fact that at this point, Rowling is already rich. Between the books, movies, merchandise, legos, amusement parks, and other things I can't even conceive at this point, she's already rich. You want to have nobody play the game or have everyone pirate it only? No skin off her nose. You only hurt the developers or the people you harass to not play it.
Anon - Rush 2 years ago
Didn't know about any controversy tbh. I just enjoyed the books when I was a kid. Didn't dig too far into what the author thought cuz I just didn't care. World building in your head after a certain point is the name of the game. I would like to try it.
Noah_Webster 2 years ago
Situations like these (not saying this one does or doesn't count, every situation is subjective) are where piracy and the used market become the ethically superior way of acquiring something. No money goes to the figure who doesn't need or deserve it. Yes, I know this is flawed in many circumstances in which there are good, deserving people involved in the good's creation. Again - subjective.
Anon - kinkyisastupidnigger 2 years ago
Trans people shouldn't exist.
Anon - Kivuli 2 years ago
The things she said are bad and dehumanizing to the LGBTQ people.
I enjoyed the books as a kid, because I related to being treated poorly at home.But as an adult I can't support an author that had so much racism built into the society in the world they created. Racism is usually a problem that needs to be addressed by the protagonist. They only address the violent form of racism.
Anon - SomeGuy 2 years ago
I'll probably buy it used someday and when it's a lot cheaper (like in the $10-$20 range). I've got way too much in my backlog already.
Anon - Mr. Dub 2 years ago
A lot of people are missing the point regarding this whole issue. Whether anyone involved realizes it or not, the major issue that a lot of people have regarding purchasing the game is the fact that those who do want to absolve themselves of the responsibility of making that decision because the implications or consequences of it might not make them look so hot.