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Would You Buy Used Panties?
By ImJustThatKinky • 11 months ago

We all have our fetishes, and I can respect that. It doesn’t mean I won’t make fun of you for them, but I will still respect your decision to be into them. Even if we’re all a big accepting family, we have to admit some kinks are pretty weird. Like the whole buying some girls bath water thing. I couldn’t understand that, but hey, whatever gets you off, it’s your money. Something I also can’t understand is people buying girls use panties.

Smell like someone wore these before.

I feel like I totally get it more if it’s like your girlfriend and you have a thing for her used panties, go on and have yourself a field day with them. But people using their own hard earned cash to buy some girls that’s off the internet used panties, kinda boggles my mind. Definitely with these kinds of prices.

Like some of these options kind of gross me out, like not wiping the back?! First of all, EW!!! Second, that’s an extra $400 BUCKS!!!! It’s also crazy that the panties not even worn are $100. What’s special about them at that point?! Shouldn’t I just go buy panties from a store instead? Unless you are cool with spending $100 for panites she owns. But like I said, we’re all weird and we all get off on things that can kind of be seen as gross or weird. Hell, I can sometimes read doujins with smegma in it and think…

So no judgment, but all the judgment. But that’s the good thing about this site, we can judge each other but always know that we’re all fucking weirdos. I embrace myself for being a fucking weirdo, it’s not like everyone in this world is normal. It just depends on who’s confident enough in themselves to admit the weird side themselves.

Would you buy someone's used panties? Do you think used panties can be hot? Do you think those prices are ridiculous? Tell us in the comments.