You are reading my article. It’s late. You are getting sleepy. Each word becomes a mountain, a long winding path up a steep incline that your eyes must travel. The words seem to literally grow longer, and loonger, and looonger. Exhausted, you shut them for a moment. Still horny from visiting a doujins site you can’t help but suck what’s in front of you. Hey, you’re still sleepy dammit. Um...suck my dick? Dude this hypnosis shit sucks.
Good doujins have detailed artistic depictions of sex, but great doujins have that PLUS an interesting reason why the parties involved are fucking. “You know you’re a loser right? I’m only fucking you because...gahh...maybe that dick is bomb after all” that’s the shit I’m talking about. Dialogue that lets you get inside the heads of the characters and understand their reaction to the sex. In hypnosis, I’ve only ever seen this shit go one way. “You are under my command now… Aki-chan” “wooooooah...must...suck....dick” like holy shit no GO BACK! In every hypnosis porn I’ve come across the character becomes a shell of their former self to the point of never saying or doing anything interesting. My god man, at least let me see their body’s physical reaction to the sex!!! But no. Usully they become a mindless victim that performs the sex act and then they snap out of it when it’s over.
Wait a minute! I like where this one is going...
Now let’s not confuse mind breaking with hypnosis. I love when a character convinces another character who’s on the fence about sex to actually enjoying it. And if they BECOME a mindless sex doll because the fucking was “just that epic” then okay sure. That won’t be until the scene is pretty much over anyway. Therefore if they’re trying to resist the hypnosis or something the whole time, I’m good with that too because you are still reading their inner thoughts and getting a sense of their personality. That’s few and far between though. Oooo and if they don’t remember it after they snap out of it? Now that’s when I’m really upset. If the character immediately reverts back when it’s done and says something along the lines of “Well, see you tomorrow!” I want to cry. Since they don’t remember doing it, it feels like no impact was established.
See this is more my style, but I can't fap to these short stories man. Too short.
Maybe I’m a jaded hentai loser who has to see some characters screaming at the top of their lungs how good the sex is to enjoy it, but at the end of the day man I just want them to interact with each other. Build a connection. Holy shit, is there a doujin where someone uses hypnosis, but then the other person finds out, and they get revenge??? Now that’d be something. Maybe I’ve only found the shit ones! Do you have any hypnosis doujins you like? Do you not care about this kink? When I snap my fingers, leave a comment below!