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What It Means To Simp
By WakeUpSnooze • 4 years ago

The latest two big, and I mean huge, memes that come to my mind in recent years are “Ok, Boomer” and “SIMP!”. Both of these memes are quite similar in nature in that they are executed by person A saying either “OK, BOOMER” or “SIMP! HAHA” to person B. Now, in my opinion these memes are absolute trash and a disappointment to the art of comedy. I have struggled for years now to find a single instance of either of these memes that make me laugh or chuckle. So far the only occurrence involving one of these memes was when my boi Patrick destroyed Ok, Boomer on Japanese television.

Just a little while ago iDubbbz became a victim of the simp meme himself for allowing his girlfriend to create an OnlyFans account. Many are calling iDubbbz a simp for this permission. My problem here is that it seems the word “Simp” has lost any and all meaning thanks to the meme and has become a blanket term that means nothing in particular. Simp was originally supposed to refer to the people who put women up on a pedestal, submitted to them, and often sent them money and gifts (like donating to your favorite streamer expecting them to date you) in hopes that the woman would see their offerings and return the favor by falling in love with them. What iDubbbz allowed isn’t nearly as “simpy” as being someone who would pay money for a girl’s nudes and try to chat with her and use that to form a relationship. If anything it seems like it should be classified as “cucky” since iDubbbz has already established a relationship with the girl, but the word cuck isn’t a big meme right now I guess. The OnlyFans users seem to be the clear simps in my eyes. If you want to get the details on the situation from the source itself, here’s the video in question.

At the end of the day I don’t give a shit how two consenting adults want to live their lives as long as they aren’t hurting others, so I have to say I’m more on iDubbbz’s side here. Though I have heard that his girlfriend is kind of a piece of shit but I'm not educated enough in that department to hold an opinion. I’ll just say that IF she really is a bad person yet iDubbbz ignores that while he made a career of calling people out on their actions, now THAT would be pretty fucking simpy. Even if someone is your best friend or lover, you should still feel comfortable enough with them to criticize their actions when they’ve done something you don’t agree with. If you’re too scared to do that, you either are in a dangerously abusive relationship and probably need to hightail it out of there, or you’re simping for them. 

Really the main point I’m trying to make with this article is that these memes are fucking trash and just end up making the terms become confusing, pointless phrases or words that mean nothing as was perfectly displayed by the comment section of that iDubbbz response video. Regardless of where you stand on the issue of simping, I’m simply hoping we can all come together and collectively agree that these memes should be nothing but a bad memory.

What are your thoughts on the simp meme? Is iDubbbz a simp, or a cuck? Do people who misuse memes ruin them? Leave your comment below, but because you want to, don’t simp for me.