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What Do You Think About Dakimakuras?
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 3 years ago
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You can tell that someone’s a weeb if they own a huge body pillow with their favorite anime waifu on it. Now, you can tell if someone’s a hardcore otaku if they own a huge body pillow with their favorite anime waifu on it, and know that it’s called a dakimakura. For the longest time, I didn’t know what these anime body pillows were even called, but now that I’m more cultured and weeby, I now am knowledgeable in the existence of dakimakuras.

Now dakimakuras aren’t completely just anime waifu body pillows, dakimakuras are just body pillows in Japanese. But when a dakimakura has an anime character on it, looking all sexy and suggestive, those are actually called love pillows. We just call them dakimakuras to sound less creepy. But I do wonder, for something called a love pillow, how many people actually use the pillow to pleasure themselves?

He totally slept with his after this picture.

As a weeb myself, I would actually like to own a dakimakura. I feel like it could be funny, and an interesting collector's item. I also love sleeping, so it would be perfect for me, just having one of my waifus on it would be a bonus. But you wouldn’t catch me sticking an onahole in it and acting like I’m fucking Asuka, that’s what erotic audios are for.

I will admit, it is tempting though.

Do you own a dakimakura? Would you ever buy a dakimakura? Do you think people fuck their dakimakuras? Tell us in the comments.

Oddest Ball 3 years ago
Gigguk represent!
Anon - Tali is best girl 3 years ago
I actually got both a Dakimakura recently, both the pillow and the case, but it actually wasn't of a anime girl, it was actually one for Tali'Zorah from Mass Effect, and my girlfriend actually loves it too, because we both love Mass Effect and we both agress that Tali is best girl
jupmod 3 years ago
No, i do not own one, but I do love the dakimakura art I've seen at DeviantArt. I even had commissioned a couple, showing Tenten and Temari in sexy poses. Love them! :)
7thManiac 3 years ago
I have one, it's great for sleeping. It honestly helps me sleep as a hugger, much better than a normal pillow for that. No anime cover for it yet tho, as money is tight for me rn. Will get one tho! You do need a bigger bed for one, since they're quite big. I'm in a queen size bed all by myself, but my brother cant have one b/c he sleeps in a twin and just doesn't have the space.
Anon - lazy 3 years ago
I own a pillow cover of one but a year later still haven't gotten the body pillow itself. XD
MrObvious 3 years ago
I would get one myself, of course emblazoned with Bleach's Apacci and her angry scowl. I wouldn't go as far as fucking it, but I'm sure there are those who do.
Anon - BorderKeeper 3 years ago
Apparently, a body pillow no matter what's plastered on it can be quite comfy I heard. I already own a bunch of things I don't want visitors of my apartment to see so why not plaster a cute anime girl to it, for the sole reason of that these cute alien creatures make me happy when I look at them.
Anon - CloudNine 3 years ago
Everybody should at least try sleeping with one once. The anime character ones use some really high quality fabrics that you could just get without anything printed on it. Then the filling of the pillow is some really organic and fluffy wool. With Serbian silk, it feels like what sleeping on a cloud probably feels like.
umknown 3 years ago
Body pillows are great for hip and shoulder alignment for side sleepers. As for the cases, I say fuck it have fun if you can or are brave enough. If I lived alone I'd have some of the most explicit prints a company would make for me.