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Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Producers Says Stop the Lewd
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 6 years ago
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Some creators can’t be as cool as Yoko Taro when it come the lewding up their characters. Unlike Yoko Taro, the producers of the racing human horse girl anime Uma Musume: Pretty Derby has release a public statement asking it’s fans to please stop the lewds!

The producers main reason for wanting lewds to stop is because of the naming of the characters. Many of the characters in the show are named after actual race horses, example being Special Week. Producers gotten permission from the owner to use the horses actual race name in the show, now believing that lewds will damage the reputation of the show and the horse racing community as a whole.


Image result for Special Week

Horses have right too! Did anyone ask Special Week if she wanted to be lewd or not. Hell! Did anyone ask her if she wanted to be made into a anime character, she might hate anime!

The producers posted a statement on their website, which was translated here:

– Things that all fans supporting the series should be wary of –

β€œWe humbly thank you for enjoying Uma Musume: Pretty Derby. We have received numerous reactions and lots of support from all forms of social networking services, especially due to the anime β€œUma Musume: Pretty Derby” which began broadcasting in April 2018 – once again we thank you humbly for this. The Uma Musume Project has one thing that it would like to humbly request for the sake of all the fans supporting Uma Musume.

It would be appreciated if you could consider refraining from using expressions that could potentially damage the image of racehorses and the franchise’s horse girl characters. In the series, characters take on the likeness of real racehorses and every character even borrows their racehorse’s names by the consent of their owners, it is a work that has been realized through the cooperation of many generous people.

All fans who love the horse girls, please be careful not to make expressions that would damage the image of the characters or the real racehorses they are based on or that would make staff or the real life horse owners feel uncomfortable.

The Uma Musume Project, for the sake of not damaging the majesty of such fine racehorses, will continue to support racehorses and their success in the future together with everyone.

(COMIC1Γ’Β˜Β†13) [2nd color (Typehatena)] Uma Musume Tanetsuke Koubi Show | Horse Girl Breeding Show (Uma Musume Pretty Derby) [English] [slathe]

Sorry, but once artist get a whole of a cute girl. There art talent and penis won't let them rest until they've lewd her.


So do you think fan should stop the lewding? Is it stupid for producers to try and stop the lewding of their characters? Would Special Week be happy that she has been lewded? Tell us in the comments below.

Anon - Pornosexual 6 years ago
Rule 34. No exceptions.
Anon - Me 6 years ago
Yeeeaaaah, telling people not do to stuff on the internet ALWAYS works so well, right?!
jupmod 5 years ago (edited 5 years ago)
I find it hard to believe any Rule 34 lewds of these horses will damage their reputations. How many horse-racing fans go online to find lewds of the horses? I don't think many do. So the anime producers are being paranoid for nothing IMO. The horses will be okay. Let the lewd fans enjoy their lewds.
Ihira 6 years ago (edited 6 years ago)
With all of us pervs on the internet and the existence of rule 34, lewd is just going to happen. Even if the producer wants to discourage lewd portrayals for very good reason, preventing it is outright impossible barring censorship, which opens a whole other can of worms.
Oddest Ball 6 years ago
This is good. This is a good action.
Kasaix 6 years ago
This is only going to make more lewding happen. When a brony in a wheelchair got his own pony OC in the show, showrunners actually asked people not to lewd the character. The internet happened and people went out of their way to lewd the character up.
Deadknocker 3 years ago (edited 3 years ago)
Horses are shot and KILLED once they break a leg or lose a race. Is worrying about calling a few frames of animated horse girls "Waifus" REALLY the topic we need to be considering with actual racehorses here?
Anon - The Snarkster 6 years ago
Does this mean that instead of lewding anthropomorphic horses, we should just stick (it in)to centaurs?
DesRed 6 years ago
Ain't gonna happen. Too easy to lewd.