Harami by Touhou
The "classic" scenario
An alien/cosmic horror/fantasy monster has found a helpless girl and has her wrapped in it's slimy tentacles. After a long. questionably consensual. tentacle love session. the monstrosity expels eggs deep inside the victim.
While such an activity is not my cup of sake, I know there are some who just want to feel the feel of alien eggs being pushed inside them.
Well guess what? That’s a real thing you can do, and you don't even need to involve another person!
Introducing The Ovipositor
Primal Hardwere brings to mass market a niche sex toy that looks pretty familiar to those of us looking into the hardcore hentai scene.
The Ovipositor allows the user to make small gel eggs, in varying sizes, that are put into the dildo. Once filled one simply inserts and pushes the eggs through. The eggs melt at body temp, coming out as a foamy liquid, or one can simply push each one back out whatever orifice they were inserted in.
Straight from a Geiger wet dream
Why even bring it up?
Frankley, with the internet age introducing people to all sorts of new fetishes, this was inevitably something that would find a real market. I for one am just surprised at the variety. Six styles, a bunch of color combinations, a variety of egg sizes, you can even get it in glow-in-the-dark for gaben's sake.
After the popularity of Bad Dragon and the sythetic semen craze, then on to just straight up tentecals, this must just be the natural evolution as life continues to refelect art.
I will add that the company has stated this toy is their best seller and half of the money they do is just this. Food for thought.
Whatcha think? Grossed out? Intruiged? Let us know!