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We're Getting More Panty and Stocking Anime
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago
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If you like anime, and adult cartoon shows like Family Guy and Futurama, then you most likely heard or watched Panty and Stocking before. It’s a raunchy and horny anime that pretty much feels more like an American adult cartoon show, instead of an anime. Well, if you were getting tired of watching your generic anime shows, I'd like to inform you that Trigger is working on more Panty and Stocking.

During AnimeExpo, Trigger announced that they are working on Panty and Stocking, showing a picture of Panty and Stocking both holding up a middle finger, which makes people assume they're working on a season two. I’m so down for some  more Panty and Stocking, but my only fear is if it’ll still feel like Panty and Stocking. What I mean by that is the humor and jokes, will they be more toned down because of the current climate we’re in when it comes to certain types of jokes. Are trans, gay, and race jokes off limits? I know Panty and Stocking humor leans more towards the sexual route, but those topics can lead to sexual humor, so they are also relevant. Hell, people get offended by sexual jokes now a days. I hope they don’t hold back and just go BALLS TO THE WALL WITH THIS!!!

I'll keep you sugar tits up to date if I hear any more Panty and Stocking news.

See you bitches later.

Are you hype for more Panty and Stocking? Do you enjoy the old Panty and Stocking? Do you think the humor is going to be toned down? Tell us in the comments.