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The Oshi no Ko English Dub Is Getting Worse?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
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Most people on this site, most likely watch their anime subbed. They’re faster to release, they’re the original way to watch it, and since most of us don’t understand Japanese, it’s hard to point out if a performance is bad or not. But, when we can understand the language, the problems and hiccups are all too easy to point out. Like in this recent Oshi no Ko clip.

Now it’s up to you guys. Which do you think sounds better? Japanese, or English? I’ve already written an article before about the Oshi no Ko English dub, and I didn’t think I would have to write another one, but this time, the drama and complaints went even farther. It went so far that the English dub VAs had to make statements.

It’s also crazy that a show that had an episode dedicated to cyberbullying, and how it can affect and hurt someone, didn’t click with some of these people. A Twitter user had to delete their tweet because of how much people were shitting on Akane in the comments. It got really toxic.

Now my honest opinion on which one I like better. I would have to go with the Japanese dub easily. But the funny thing is, I don’t think Akane’s VA is bad. I think what was really bad was the directing. Like, Akane was supposed to act like Ai in that moment, which the Japanese portrayed. The English dub Akane didn’t sound like Ai, didn’t sound sleepy like the line and scene called for. It was all off the mark. It wasn’t like her acting was bad, it’s just that the director seemingly didn’t tell her the right thing to act. So sometimes, it’s not always the actors to blame, there’s so many other factors to consider. So hopefully people chill out on attacking the VAs, we don’t need the English dub VA to become Akane IRL.

Don't worry Kristen, it's going to be okay.

What sounds better, the Japanese dub or the English dub? Do you think Akane English dub VA did a bad job? Do you think it’s the director to blame? Tell us in the comments.

Gennos 1 year ago (edited 1 year ago)
The vast majority of titles are better to watch subbed. When you take them in their aggregate, Japanese VA's are at a far higher performance level in comparison to western VAs. The voice intonations and emotion are next level. Are there comparable english VA's? There are, but not many. It's nice when you find those titles, but they are few and far between.
VeryTired 1 year ago
The mindless sub stans in the anime community are on the same fanatical level as the people who feel the need to mention The Big Bang Theory is an awful series whenever the show gets remotely mentioned
Anon - Anonymous A 1 year ago
Getting worst?! Plz tell me im wrong about it but shouldnt it be "worse" and worst would mean its already over and categorized as the absolute worst ever ? Hope its not as in french coz its.... elementary school superlative lesson ....
DarkCaptain 1 year ago (edited 1 year ago)
i feel like there has to be some way to voice your thoughts that someone's performance was not good. to me, it sounds like "i dont want to hear that i didnt do good." but that's how you improve. if people always say "you sound good" when you dont, then that's bad. people always say that it's the director's fault that it doesnt sound good but when is it ever the actor's fault that it doesnt?
Natsu1309 1 year ago
I'm sorry but english dub is one of the worst things. I could never watch an english dub on anime.
I watch them with english subs ok, sometimes german dub put it depends, they were great during 1993-2010, but since 2010 some german dub are fucked up cheap, it was then that they translated the -chan etc. stuff, sounds good in japanese, but cringy in german
WM-R 1 year ago
I liked what Jack said about "hey, if you don't like our performance, that's fair, but it's kind of a dick move to go out of your way to make sure we know about it". That's totally fair. I don't go out of my way to harass people who like, say, Steven Universe or Teen Titans Go. Live and let live, eh?

But I'm not quite as supportive of Natalie's comments, because of the "you don't know!" bit.
UchihaMaster1 1 year ago
All English dubs suck they always either alter the script or add political shit to the dub. Also a good amount of localization subs suck even more so nowadays and is even worse than back then.
Anon - AnonOn 1 year ago
Was it really just that? Idk. I don’t care. Dubs have gotten way better seen the Naruto days although the forced dumb translations that killed Hajimete no Gal is a red flag about western dubs. Idc. As long as they’re not trying to do stupid translations by forcing dumb political stuff any effort is better than no effort. Pokemon D&P -> BW were terrible but got much better by XY.
Anon - PGW1999 1 year ago
Here is my suggestions, stop watching all legal streaming services or companies from crunchyroll, funimation or hidive. No one will made good dubs from these companies. aBut media blasters has been slowly getting back in the dubbing industry so you should watch these instead.
Whopmaster 1 year ago
I seem to remember that a few years ago some VA’s admitted that they didn’t get selected for parts on auditions, character specialty, passion, or in some cases even voice type, but by social media following and kissing up to the boss.