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Skullgirl Creator Mike Z Creeping in Girls DMs
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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One of the worlds hottest female fighting game Skullgirls is in hot waters. Because of the coronavirus, Skullgirls was finally about to get it’s spot light at EVO like all its fans wanted. Until Mike Z made a “I can’t breathe” joke live on stream. Luckily, even though that got him into some deep waters, he seemed to have resurfaced. Sadly, his creepy DMs to Bunny Ayu also resurfaced.

Now I might be stupid, but since I don’t know the full conversation, I don’t really see this as him being creepy. I think it’s nerdy, awkward, and ridiculous. But not creepy. There are people who defend Ayu, but also some who defend Mike. Some people are pointing out that Ayu is a shotacon, which they are using to discredit her.

She even cosplayed as a shotacon from a doujin.

But luckily for Mike Z, all this isn’t even nothing to worry about because Skullgirls won't be going to EVO. Actually, no games will, since EVO has been canceled. Why you may ask? Well, it’s just been found out that the Head of EVO is a pedophile...2020 right...

Do you think Mike was being creepy? Is Ayu discredited since she’s a shotacon? Should Skullgirl be banned from EVO because of Mike Z’s mistakes (If there was an EVO)? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - Dissapointed 4 years ago
The “I can’t breath joke” alone is enough for him to be in the wrong, a bigot mocking the death of a man suffocated to death while begging for his mother. “Luckily he resurfaced” the person who wrote this article is just as racist as he is. Mike should just be kicked from the team and not get any revenue. Same as that asshole from Night in the woods. Let the rest of the team flourish and him rot.
Anon - Hekatoncheries 4 years ago
That dude’s messages read as being creepy and anything shots or loli is creepy too. But none of this stuff is creepy enough for people to be put on blast for. Creeps gotta get there creep out somewhere and everything shown here looks like mild creep at worst.
Oddest Ball 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Seems about as awkward and accidental as any serious conversation I'd have if I was doing something like an interview with a woman. For anything else, full context is needed.
blackwave 4 years ago
Well I never talken to a girl so its easy to make mistake and dressing a doujin character is something rare and not to take in the character what she done seriously. I think think people are using this excuse to do toxic or hate speech. Don't jump the accusation before the event even take place. Beside it's all joke and something to try on if the design looks good.
exodusee7 4 years ago
I mean his absolutely tasteless joke about George Floyd pretty much brands him (rightfully so) as a complete and total asshole. Is he being creepy? Yes, he is. He's acting EXACTLY like many nerds we've all watched and seen try (and doing so way too hard) to hit/come onto girls and it is so ultra cringeworthy. All in all, a true scumbag to say the least.
Lervicus 4 years ago
Me: Bunny ay'who? Oh wait, i've fapped to her :D
Anon - Anon 4 years ago
I thought shotacon was a young boy, like how a lolicon is a young girl? Either way, shotas are bad. I don't care about EVO, so I don't care if Skullgirls got in or not, or that the event is cancelled this year.
Anon - Valentine 4 years ago
Well I really love skullgirls I don't want it to be taken from evo (if there was one anymore) but I don't think mike was being creepy but god can't believe the head of evo was a pedo.
Anon - Karen 4 years ago
Based on just that picture alone and assuming Mike is the grey I see nothing out of the ordinary. But then I'm not a woman. Maybe they're seeing something that I'm missing.
Hectotane 4 years ago
You fans of Skullgirls DO know that there's been no new character for the game since Robo-Fortune; the Decapre to Ms. Fortune's Cammy, right? Robo came out in 2015? Lab-0 said in February of this year that they'll have a new one?