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The Nastiest Anime Fight Scene Ever!!!
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
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We’ve all seen epic fight scenes, gory fight scenes, and low budget animated fight scenes. But, have you ever seen a nasty fight scene before? Well, if you haven’t, let me present to you a fight scene from the recent season of Golden Kamuy.

Yeah, you saw that right. Two guys were fighting each other by jacking off and trying to cum on each other. Using their cock like they were guns. This scene is particularly wild coming from an anime, this isn’t even a hentai. And the crazy thing is, the dumb and psycho antics doesn’t stop there. Anyone who’s watched Golden Kamuy will tell you that the show is a rollercoaster ride of just crazy and dumb shit, and it works. Golden Kamuy always keeps surprising me with how dumb it can be, while still being a very strong and emotional show.

Manly tears.

And I’m super hype to hear that after the last episode, Golden Kamuy is getting another season, which will be its final and last season. The story of Golden Kamuy will be finally closing, and I’m excited to see how everything wraps up and concludes. I’ve been on this wild ride from the beginning, and I don’t regret my decision. 

Time to get serious.

Is this the nastiest fight scene you ever saw in anime? Would you ever fight someone with your cum? Have you watched Golden Kamuy? Tell us in the comments.

Fus62 1 year ago
I have so many questions, and I'm not sure if I want answers.
tanakaba 1 year ago
Jizzticuffs or four knuckle scuffle?
Fan01 1 year ago
Dumb SOB should have put his handgun away and use his cumgun like his boss!
Anon - chaos 1 year ago
fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
kelb 1 year ago
I saw the clip on twitter. Never in 100 lifetimes what I have guessed that came from Golden Kamuy. Seems it got very different after the third or fourth season that's as far as I got.
BunnyBow 1 year ago
Golden Kamuy is fucking nuts. Only seen clips but I'm glad to see more shenanigans
MrObvious 1 year ago
This is something all right. With my jizz? Nah, just good old fisticuffs. More effective.