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One Piece Set to Conclude in Five Years
By Kasaix β€’ 5 years ago
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The mangaka behind the popular franchise One Piece, the one and only Eiichiro Oda, has dropped timelines about when his series would end before. However, those were always pretty vague, and numerous videos were made on the topic. However, we now have a solid number: five years. In the interview seen below, that's the timeframe Oda has given for how long he wants to continue his beloved series.

One Piece first appeared on the scene at the end of 1997. Thus far, 93 volumes and 954 chapters have been sent out to adoring fans around the world. 

Neither here nor there, but we have a lot of One Piece doujins right here on the site, so go take a look!

Anon - Hamm 5 years ago
so in other words, make the series last 27 years with one single story. well, least it's not like Pokemon which has the story repeat over and over for over two decades with little change
jupmod 5 years ago
Not really surprised, given the current Wano arc is showing it will not be long until the very end of the series. The SH's just need two more Road Ponagylphs to reach Raftel, and that's that. Five years seem just enough to tell the rest of the story. :)
Oddest Ball 5 years ago
*facepalm* Fucking Hell. Just stop.
Anon - Anon 5 years ago
I need to catch up on One Piece. I stopped watching in Zou, when The Day King went to sleep, and The Night King was about to wake up.
Anon - JeffTheCurbStomper 1 month ago
yeah nope
deathguise999 5 months ago
Checking in 5 years later. Still going strong!
BootyHunter 2 years ago
On a Separate Note, it's nice to see the Series were brought back on Toonami again. But they may want to think of having a Marathon to catch up like once a Month. Or else they could lose ratings for that Show with Long Series Fatigue or something once more...
Anon - Rush 5 years ago
I had nothing against One Piece, loved the doujins, watched a couple seasons and read a few volumes, but bloody hell. This is a long ass series I have no hope of finishing.
mauditfleuret 5 years ago
so? Pretty sure he's moved that goalpost several times when people ask him questions. It gets a bit closer each time, but the time frame keeps moving out. As much as people enjoy it, he should probably start wrapping up, or One Piece might suffer from Author Existence Failure.