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Sweat: A Real Threat Or Hentai Logic
By WakeUpSnooze β€’ 1 year ago
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The logic of anime is typically not to be trusted, but every now and then I find myself wondering if some dumbass situation is almost realistic enough to be an actual scenario experienced by a living, breathing human at some point in time. Unfortunately that rules out fucking a hot alien space pirate or something. Still, it leaves room for the more mundanely lewd situations that anime offers up. Today I wanted to focus on a small scenario depicted in an episode of The Dangers in My Heart: sweating so much that it reveals your body and undergarments in public. Or in this case school, the setting of 90% of all anime. 

I’m no (complete) moron, I know that wet t-shirt contests exist for a reason and that if you dampen a piece of white, thin material then you will be able to see through it to some degree. But my question is has this actually ever been a problem for anyone in normal everyday life? I’ve never been sitting in a classroom, building, or place in nature where my clothes were soaked from sweat simply by existing. Maybe if I ran a while on a hot day then sure some stains will show up, but not to the degree seen in the cover image. In my experience you would have to really be doing some excruciating exercise in blistering heat to reach that level of moisture and in the anime this character wasn’t. I know people sweat differently so maybe it’s not true for everyone. So we have arrived at our brass tacks question: have you guys ever been in a situation where you felt embarrassed that your shirt or some similar garment had become see-through due to sweat? And if so, where and what the fuck were you doing for it to be so prominently drenched?

I can think of a few reasons. This heat is crazy!

More than anything I think this demonstrates how anime can turn any fucking basic situation into an exaggerated lewd fantasy. However, maybe there’ll be some people who chime in to say how this is a real problem and it’s just something that I personally have been saved from having to deal with thanks to sweat genetics. Have you ever dealt with this, or known someone who did? Is there a shred of a chance this is common for a decent proportion of people, or is this anime forcing lewd logic wherever it can? Put on a t-shirt, head out in public on a hot day, and get arrested for your boobs showing in the library cause your top got soaked in the comments below!

Oddest Ball 1 year ago (edited 1 year ago)
Never worn anything that thin or lightly colored for it to happen. The outdoors in the South are unforgiving, but I've never seen this happen to anyone else either.
Anon - Anon 1 year ago
Depends on the material
B4EVAH 1 year ago
Well, no. You'd probably just get sweaty pits and some stains around the neck, but that's about it. Plus running takes waaay too much effort to reach such lengths even in some intense runs. Most lewds in anime are more so just idealic scenarios to me. Not impossible, but unlikely in most instances. Ain't their fault tho cuz IRL accidental lewd situations are brief and pretty tame
MrObvious 1 year ago
Never had this situation happen to me. Sure I've sweated on hot summer days here in the Southwest but never like that, always wore a hat or a sweatband for that. Then again we all sweat differently as mentioned so I'm sure this does happen.
jupmod 1 year ago
Never had happen to me in Real Life, and I doubt anyone can sweat so much to soak their clothes all the way through. I've seen vids of people working outdoors on a very hot day (100 or more) and I see them sweat but their clothes are not thoroughly soak.
WM-R 1 year ago
I live in South East Asia, and I can confirm that yes, this can happen.

I'm aware, for example, that many schools (at least in my country) now have coloured shirts as opposed to white because of it. Some kids wear undershirts to avoid being embarrassed by the white shirts becoming see-through, but the problem is the heat can get so bad a lot won't due to genuine fear of heatstroke.
Anon - Eupatrid 1 year ago
Bucking hay in a white t-shirt, I got so sweaty you could see everything under the shirt.
Anon - Anon 1 year ago
It really can happen to an extent. The conditions need to be perfect, though. I have seen it myself. Needs to be a very thin, non-absorbant material being worn in a hot and very humid environment so that the sweat doesn't evaporate quickly. There is a good reason why most girls wore their sweaters over their school uniform blouses in the middle of the summer.
Anon - Hentai guy 1 year ago
Who cares!!!!!!!!!! Get a Life ya dam fool's... stops wasting yer time with mindless dribble