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Spoilers Don’t Exist
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago
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You read the title of this article, so you already know what we’re talking about and if you should read this article. I’m going to talk about a BIG SPOILER that happened in Attack on Titan: Final Season. So you have been warned, and there will be major spoilers from this point on. So without further ado…


Now I’m not sure why I’m so shocked by this since it’s Attack on Titan, but for some reason I didn’t think anyone from our side would die. How fucking wrong I was. But back to the topic of this article. Do spoilers truly exist? I was in a discord call with someone who also watched the latest episode of Attack on Titan and I brought up how I was spoiled about Sasha's death on Twitter and it was still emotional for me. That’s when they said that spoilers don’t exist. Now what did he mean by that?

Well it’s obvious that spoilers do exist. If you state something about something that the person doesn’t want to know, shouldn’t know, or isn’t supposed to know, that means you’re spoiling it for them. But what I think he meant by that statement is that spoilers don’t exist cause it doesn’t ruin the experience for you. I gave an example in my second paragraph. Even though I knew Sasha was going to die, I still felt emotional. It being spoiled didn’t ruin that moment. But even so, I feel like I still wouldn’t want to be spoiled about something. It’s just that, even though I still felt emotional about that scene, how emotional would I have felt if I never knew about it? I might have actually cried. So even though spoilers might not completely ruin a show or experience for someone. It’s still something I would like to avoid.


Do you think spoilers exist? Has something been spoiled for you and ruined it? Do you think you can still love a scene even if it was spoiled? Tell us in the comments.