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The Darkside of A.I. Art
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 months ago

I was alright with A.I. art because I could pinpoint it out of all the regular art. A.I. art has a shading style and usually the character is always looking forward, almost as if they're looking into your soul. Which is a good representation of A.I. art and how it can be soulless. A.I. art is great to fuck around with and do funny little filters like making you look like a anime character or something. But when people use A.I. to steal artists' artstyle, that’s where it becomes a problem.

Remember this image for the future.

You can kind of easily point out when something is A.I., it usually has a distinctive way it shades, with usually glossy, bright colors. And usually gave off this very stilted, lifeless look in some cases. Which was good, cause it was almost like A.I. art had its own kind of artstyle.

But when A.I. is used to take someone's art style, like Fluffy Dango’s. A style they most likely worked years to craft, and make their own. That’s when the problem starts to occur.

I really do hate that people are using A.I. in this way, and it’s funny how some see no problem with it. It’s a case of, “if it doesn't happen to me, I don’t care.” Since it’s not something getting stolen from them, it’s totally okay to them, but if it was their art, or something of theirs getting stolen or copied, they’d have a problem with that.

Obviously, people could copy Fluffy Dango’s style without A.I.’s help, but it’s harder to copy someone's style by hand, than with a computer. Even if you want to try to draw like Da Vinci, your style will never look like Da Vinci’s, but A.I. is getting closer and closer to making that horrible reality real.

Atleast they tried to draw Mona Lisa.

Do you think it’s okay for people to use A.I. to copy artist artstyle? Do you have a problem with A.I. art? Do you think A.I. art will get bigger or die out? Tell us in the comments.