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Say Hello To Spring Anime 2021!
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago
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This series takes forever to get written up, but man I love talking about the currently airing anime with you guys. Today we’ll be taking a look at several of the anime that I’ve been checking out so far. I won’t be including long running stuff like My Hero Academia cause everyone has pretty much already decided if they’re watching it or not. Also I should mention this list isn’t entirely fair as I’ve watched 3 episodes for some anime, 2 for others, and 4 for two but sadly that’s just showbusiness baby cause anime scheduling won’t sync the fuck up for ya boi. Without further ado, let’s run down the list.

Megalo Box Season 2

I’ll admit I was scared as shit for this anime to air. Season 1 was a fucking hype train even if you don’t know or care much about boxing and ended with a “yep, that’s the end” kind of resolution. I think many were right to fear that this would simply be another season 2 cash grab. Instead I think they’ve done something smart by making the main boxer of season 1, Gearless Joe, into more of a coach. In season 2 so far we’re focusing on another boxer being actually in the ring while Joe gives advice and tries to recover from something that happened in between the two seasons. Considering Joe’s story was pretty much wrapped up, it feels more authentic to shift the focus to another boxer’s story and gives us a new person in a new situation to root for. The anime is more political than season 1, but honestly it’s doing it pretty well (unlike a certain Carole and Tuesday). Season 1 was sick and it looks like season 2 will be sick as well so I really don’t see much reason to skip this one unless you hate boxing.

After Being Rejected I Shaved And Took In A Highschool Runaway

Holy SHIT I hate that title. Anyway, on the bright side the title basically summarizes what the anime is about. A salaryman takes in a runaway girl. Where it gets tricky is trying to figure out where the romance is going to take place. For the first few episodes it was hinted at that the runaway girl and businessman might get together, but on the third episode they have a big talk about it and our business boy says he ain’t tryna fuck someone he doesn’t love. This episode indicates this might be more of a story of how they each enhance each other's lives by living together, but more of a big brother and little sister against the world kind of way. Honestly it’s no Horimiya that I think you have to pick up if you enjoy romance, but I am interested to see how their relationship continues to develop.

Zombie Land Saga Season 2

This is sort of in the same lane as Megalo Box in that if you enjoyed season 1, there’s not much reason to skip season 2.  The comedy and dumbass situations that the girls find themselves in are still there with those occasional down to earth moments of realness. This anime is a fun little ride and if you like comedy/the idol landscape it’s an easy recommendation. Otherwise I doubt anyone is going to find content in the writing that challenges their worldview or anything.

The World Ends With You

Okay so for this one… wait a second. Hold on, I’m getting a call from Kinky. Uh huh.. okay. He said to not watch this pile of garbage if you want to truly experience the game’s story. I have to say even as an average viewer who knows nothing about the original work and is only watching this anime for the unique artstyle, man this shit is a bit disorienting. It definitely has that infamous “cut content” feeling where major events happen and then people barely react or talk about them. The MC legit almost chokes a girl to death in one scene and in the next one they’re back to being happy friends. Long story short if you’ve heard good things about the series and want to see what the hype is about, just play the game. But if you’re like me and you know you don’t care about playing the game, it could be a pleasant experience to listen to hype music and watch characters beat up monsters and each other with style.


I want this anime to be good, I really do. In fact, this was my first prediction for the anime of the season based on the premise alone. To me there are three major problems with these first few episodes. First, this is a big words anime. What I mean is, many anime want to set up their world fast as fuck so you get dialogue like this: “Oh my god Mika! The Gutszha are using their MAPZA-EX attack to reroute power from the ZAMZA alliance to the Zazam Federation! Quick, we need to tell acting commander that we should stop the Gubbha troops from advancing on the Famous Feltoid Fault!” When you try to rush world building like this it results in a bunch of terms that mean nothing to the audience and ultimately makes me less interested in finding out. Secondly, the whole premise of the anime is that they’re using people deemed the 86 to fight in a war and reporting that no casualties are occurring (because the 86 are not considered people). I like that shit, but it’s revealed fast as fuck and our main girl starts standing up for the 86 in episode TWO. I know we’re supposed to like the MC so making her the only not racist character in the show is an easy way to set her apart, but it feels so typical. I would much rather have seen her be sort of in the middle, not racist but not an activist, but through her military duties as commander realize that the 86 are people too and stand up for them. Which brings me to my last issue: the 86 are so boring so far. They keep hammering home that the 86 are people too but these bitches are so generic I’m like fuck no they ain’t. The only one who’s gotten any worthwhile screen time has been the leader, Undertaker, and he’s done very little with that screen time besides being the classic cool anime leader guy. I want to make it clear that it’s only been two episodes so if this turns out to be a masterpiece I’m not completely retarded. Right now though this anime has yet to convince me it can make me care about characters in a premise that’s exclusively about caring for characters.

Ijiranaide Nagatoro-San

This is a fucking weird one, but at least it’s different. Basically a girl is bullying a little nerdy loser boy with a heavy implication that she actually likes him. The first episode was like 98% bullying and 1% romance with 1% of comedy mixed in, but episode two restored the balance a bit more with a 50%, 25%, 25% split I’d say. I see enough bullying in my BDSM porn therefore I don’t really need it here all the time, so I was personally vibing a lot more with the second episode. Again I don’t have much to say here because if you like the premise and/or genres you should absolutely give it a shot, but it’s not good enough to tell people who don’t like those genres to watch it anyway. Maybe that’ll change by the end of the season. 

Tokyo Revengers

This is what the phrase “Boys To Men” would be like if it was an anime. Basically, a loser boy finds out that his past girlfriend died in some gang-related conflict. He’s like damn that sucks, and then soon after discovers he can go back in time to his middle school days. Some funky time stuff happens but to summarize he gets in contact with the girlfriend’s brother who pleads with our MC to use his time powers to stop the gang conflict and save his sister. Our MC boy is tired of living a life where he does nothing but say “I’m sorry” to everyone and embarks on a quest to get involved in the gangs and prevent the conflict that killed the sister. Now if that’s not a hype idea I don’t know what is. This is one of the anime I look forward to the most every week, especially as we learn some of the gang leaders have more to them than meets the eye. I’d say this is definitely one to check out.

Fumetsu no Anata e

This is the type of anime where I’ve seen two episodes and I still don’t exactly know what the fuck it’s about. Basically some godlike entity created a magic orb that can change shape and learn. It begins its existence as a rock until eventually becoming a wolf. Believe it or not, saying much more is spoilers for the first episode. Speaking of which the first episode almost made a boy depressed so you know it was at the very least impactful. Honestly you should probably check this out and see if you’re interested cause it could be a top anime of the season depending on how it progresses. Sadly I just can’t talk about it without giving away some major elements and even if I did, I still don’t know where the story is heading and what the themes of the show are going to be. 

Jouran: The Princess of Snow And Blood

I’ve now watched four episodes of this anime, and holy fuck it’s like the damn thing already ended. You certainly can’t say it has a slow start. This anime follows a samurai girl on her quest for revenge while exploring some side characters that she partners up with along the way. The animation has a really awesome style during the fight scenes, especially when she uses her, uh, Blue Moon power(?) to slice some dudes up. If you like action you might as well give this one a shot. I’m not really sure where the story is going to progress now that the main goal has been achieved so early in the series but I know I’m sticking around to find out. Awesome opening too.

Koi To Yobu Ni Wa Kimochi Warui

I always like taking a peek at the romcoms, but this season is pretty stacked even without this anime. The setup here is a big business boy comes into contact with his younger sister’s friend and falls in love. I’ll come out and say that while the characters do have some cute interactions, this is no Horimiya, so far any sort of romantic conflict has been pretty surface level. The comedy is alright though nothing I’m laughing out loud at. All and all I think I’m just watching it because the main girl’s voice acting is cute as heck and it’s one of the few anime this season I can watch and turn my brain off. 

Sayonara Watashi no Cramer

You know, I love the feeling when I check out an anime and think “I can drop this one without regret.” This anime had real potential. It started off by introducing our main girl as a rising star with too much pride. When her coach told her she should think about joining the girls team and playing soccer for real, she said shit like “I don’t want to play with girls, cause they’re TRASH at sports, unlike me”. I was like wait a fucking second. 99% of anime sports protagonists are either the worst on the team or in the middle in terms of skill. That way the protagonist can grow and learn about the game with the audience. This was going to shake that formula up a bit by having the MC be the best character on the team and perhaps have to learn how to get along with her teammates. But fuck it, spoilers she learns that other girls are good at soccer too in like 5 seconds and that whole issue appears to be resolved. In other news, every other character in the show is some braindead anime character archetype that I can’t stand besides the coaches. If you like soccer, no, if you suck soccer’s dick on the regular, then you may still find some enjoyment here. If not, don’t waste a second of your time. Sayonara.

Vivy: Fluorite’s Eye Song

AIGHT HERE WE GO, if you are only going to listen to a single goddamn recommendation from this article, look no further. We have Wit Studio in the house on animation. We got Satoru Kousaki on music. I don’t know who the fuck that is, but this has been the best soundtrack so far for me, especially two tracks in particular that stick out. We got a sci-fi premise (I’m a slut for those sometimes). But MOST importantly, we got characters that I started liking as early as the first episode (*cough, 86, cough*). Hell, this anime accomplishes more in two episodes than some do in 12, and yet episodes 3 and 4 were still just as hype if not moreso. They deliver all this to me on a silver platter, and THEN suck my dick off with some choreographed fight scenes? This is how you fucking do it baby, I’m throwing this in the ring for my anime of the season prediction. All you need to know is it’s about a robot girl who is tasked with saving humanity from entering into a war with AI. The rest can be discovered for yourself. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be re-watching scenes from episodes two and four, I’ll peep y’all later.

If you actually made it through all that, thanks for staying around and giving me your attention. While you’re here, I need your help. Even with Kinky and I dividing up anime we still skip some. What the hell is up with Shadow House? Some people are thinking it could be a season topper while others don’t seem to be paying it much attention. Those who have seen it, be a real one and leave your first impressions below. Alright let’s wrap this up. What anime are you watching this season? What’s your prediction for anime of the season? Protect each other from AI in the comments below!

Nyanko 3 years ago
I'm another vivy is the best anime of the season person. It's just amazing.
Gennos 3 years ago
I've been keeping up with the 86 light novels, but haven't seen anything of the anime yet and not sure I want to. If the anime production reproduces the language in the light novel, it'll be a mindless BLM drone's wet dream. As for the idea behind this title, it's more or less been done before - multiple times. I have a feeling I'll still prefer MD Geist as far as the anime goes.
MrObvious 3 years ago (edited 3 years ago)
I'm kinda looking forward to seeing 86 and Jouran. But even with these in the end the big one will be the Bleach TYBW and the rumors of the postwar novels also being animated, even with the delays into 2022. 
hin4 3 years ago
I don't see where Nagatoro's bullying is new. But i think they've done a good adaptation. Maybe one day they will adapt the hentai work from the same author.
Gaaraobsessed 3 years ago
I personally love mushoku tensei, at least as the manga is concerned. The anime thus far isn't bad, but it doesn't quite capture the perfect balance the manga has. 8 episodes in though and I still find myself coming back for more, for now at least.
Oddest Ball 3 years ago
Maybe you ought to start listing where you're watching these from/where they'll eventually be released so I can stop checking Crunchy and Funi and thinking you're a damn liar.
Was extremely worried about where Megalo Box could go and am glad to see it went in a natural direction. I can now watch it without fear. And I'll still watch TWEWY anyway despite it following the Ace Attorney anime's lead.
Anon - Immortality 3 years ago
Who the hell is that in the first picture in the above? first time saving it on my phone
Gennos 3 years ago
Out of the listed anime, the only one that remotely interests me is Megalo Box (and that's not much). It's too awkward to try and list/explain what I'd like to see for near future anime due to character limit crap. For the war genre, I'd like to see an anime for Wortenia Wars and Der Werwolf: The Annals of Veight. More Tanya would be awesome as well.
Anon - dai 3 years ago
MegaloBox S1 was weak af, if you wanna watch boxing anime, at least watch good ones that are actually about boxing like Ippo or Joe.
Beheaded-king 3 years ago
Until the CSM anime gets a date Idrc.