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Pornhub Is Locked In Texas
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
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I don’t get why people hate porn so much? It’s a free product that people can enjoy and nobody's getting hurt. But sadly, many people, conservative people, don’t see it like that. Just recently, the people of Texas have been blocked from accessing Pornhub.

Pornhub has blocked access to their site for anyone who’s in Texas. With new laws put in place in Texas, stating that people have to verify their age just to access the site, Pornhub has declared that this rule infringes on adults’ rights to access protected speech. Which, I don’t really get, since just clicking the “I’m 18” button, isn’t really that hard.

Hold on, wait a minute!?

Luckily, there’s other porn sites out there, so I don’t think this will hurt people too much, but I’m not sure if those sites are also going to put up a fight like Pornhub. It’s also sad, seeing how people think this is a good thing, since porn corrupts people and what not.

Now if porn is corrupting you, I feel like you have bigger issues than porn. I’ve watched porn at a young age, and I don’t think it has done anything to my mind to make me psycho. That’s the same with Grand Theft Auto, or Saw. Yeah, those two things can be fucked up, and show bad things. But if you’re not just a natural psycho, you’re not going to become a psycho killer because you watched Saw, or killed hookers in GTA. It doesn’t work like that. At the end of the day, you’re the problem, not porn.

So, I’m wondering how long this is going to last and will these people be pushing back. Porn is getting bigger, and people are trying to lock it down harder. I guess those VPNs that all those Youtubers are promoting are about to come in handy.

Do you live in Texas? What do you think of Pornhub’s decision? Do you think porn corrupts people? Tell us in the comments.

Aceofcard 1 year ago
Maybe fix power grid instead wasting time on porn
Noah_Webster 1 year ago
PH is “restricting access to people from Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia” (USA Today). PH has no choice because it’s big and stable enough to have legal action taken against it. This is a waste of tax dollars. porn will be watched and it’s pointless to try stopping it. At least this isn’t in my state.

Check out Sternheimer’s ‘It's Not The Media’
Gennos 1 year ago
On one hand, it's not great in what it can be mean for the internet in the future; on the other, it's not a good look for Pornhub because it basically suggests that Pornhub WANTS children to be able to access it.
Gennos 1 year ago
The author is obviously and painfully ignorant of who the major backer is in regards to the West's porn industry. I'll give you a hint. You can't say anything about bad this ethnic group without being canceled. Both liberals and conservatives have concerns about the industry and your comment isolating conservatives only shows your ignorant bias and poor education about world events.
Anon - A-Log 1 year ago
If this happens to other porn sites, Texas might be the first state to have a body count of those who died from blue balls.
LuciTheCat 1 year ago
Ugh, I live in Texas and since this happened the sites that aren't blocking Texas have so much malware now. I'm lucky I have 3 different security programs. I've talked to some friends in other states about it. Apparently no one cares enough to put up a fight in those states where pornhub has blocked access also. So VPN it will be. Thank you to the owners of this site for not blocking us.
Anon - Kadoc Zemlupus 1 year ago
Texas blocking access to Pornhub? What's next? Are they going to try and make divorce illegal?
exodusee7 1 year ago
This is why Republicans are the worst ImJustThatKinky.
XYZDragonCannon 1 year ago
This is why I tell people it's important to pay attention to politics so you can be aware of wacked out bullshit like this and vote against it... But then of course people just tell me "I don't wanna be political" while refusing to vote and then wonder why this shit happens. That's what happens when millions don't vote or vote horribly and then dipshits get in power.
ShadowKing 1 year ago
As someone who lives in Texas, it hasn’t affected people’s quality of life much. Inquiry into VPNs practically quadrupled after the sites went down. The theocracy Texas is trying to push is DOA.