Japan is the country that just keeps giving...to people like us with more cultured preferences. As we've discussed before, panties are serious business, and they're taken seriously in Japan. August 8th is the informal holiday 'Panties Day' or 'Panties no hi'. It's a name pun: pan (8 in Japanese) and tsu (2 in English), so 'Pantsu'.
I've found a couple of different origins for Panties day. One comes from J-List, and the other comes from Pixiv. J-List cites Wacoal as the brilliant minds behind this day, and Pixiv cites Ogran as the creators. Either way, this day is much like Valentines Day. On V-Day, people give candy to their partners. On Panties Day, girls give their panties to people they like. I can 100% get behind this day. It was all a marketing ploy either way, but it's one I support.
Who here is down for celebrating Panties Day?