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Is Kitagawa Going to be the Waifu of the Season?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago
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Marin Kitagawa is the main female character of the new anime show My Dress-Up Darling, and maybe the main girl on your mind after episode 2.

I’m enjoying My Dress-Up Darling for what it is, it’s a good show, but nothing super crazy at this point like others have pointed it out to be. You can check out Snooze’s article when it comes to his perception of the show and the hype around it.

Snooze didn't like this? He must be gay.

Now, the reason I think Marin Kitagawa is going to be everyone’s waifu of the season is because I feel like she’s the perfect weeb bait. She’s cute, hot, into anime, into EROGE!!! has a good moral compass, seems to be into more nerdy guys, has a cute side to her, and can just be a chill bro when she needs to be, oh yeah, did I also mention that she’s into EROGE!!!

A girl who like hentai? I'm sold.

She’s a female character that most of the viewers watching this show can relate to, and most likely wish they knew a girl who was similar in real life. She’s the total embodiment of a weebs dream girl. She's the complete package, and I’ll be honest, if she keeps going on like this, I might have to say that she’s my waifu of the season.

Yes, keep looking at me like that.

What do you think of Kitagawa? Do you think Kitagawa will be the waifu of the season? Are you watching My Dress-Up Darling? Tell us in the comments.

Anohentai 3 years ago
I totaly agree with you ! She already broke rule34 on reddit xD
MrObvious 3 years ago
She sure checks out quite a few hit boxes that yell 'Yup she's a winner'! You would not expect such traits from such a waifu especially a perceived queen bee. This is a charming anime and yes, Marin is worth it.
Void-Lord 3 years ago
I'm definitely watching it. The characters are pretty likable so far, and the anime having cosplay mixed in makes it a gem for me. Though, I'm wondering who was that girl from the beginning that called the main character gross, and whether we'll see her again in the future?

Either way, I'll be looking forward to more episodes.
Anon - DryOut 3 years ago
“But it’s epic”

Oh god she is also a gamer as well.
Returner6th 3 years ago
Considering how much art with her appeared after episode 2, I think she might be already. Not that I'm complaining mind you.
Hectotane 3 years ago
Depends on the shounen lead.

Will he TAP DAT?

Or will he become another Kazuya who gets nothing but NTRed?

I trust nothing but my lying senses.
Anon - Anonymous 3 years ago
Hates Anime but LOVES Hentai….

exodusee7 3 years ago
She's definitely sexy, that's no lie. 10/10 would bang.

But seriously, she's also incredibly likable and her relationship with the MC is just too cute.
ForestGWolfy 3 years ago
i dont know what to say.
Anon - Anon 3 years ago
That ass is kinda small ngl. Not my cup of tea