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Does Anyone Still Care About Blue Exorcist?
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
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The third season of Blue Exorcist is airing and I don’t hear anyone talking about it. I know back in the day, Blue Exorcist was pretty hyped up. It was one of those cool action anime right beside Soul Eater, but recently, even though it’s still getting new seasons, I’m not hearing it being brought up in the anime conversation.  

Even as someone who’s watching Blue Exorcist, I can admit that it’s nothing crazy. I’m not super excited about it or anything, I just think it’s a decent shounen to watch. It def isn’t on the same level as Jujutsu Kaisen or Undead Unluck, but I’m not asking it to be. With this third season being what people consider the best arc, the Illuminati Arc, I’m hoping that the hype is real and this arc leaves an impact on me. More of an impact than the girls have.

I feel like that might be one of the weak points about Blue Exorcist. While most shounen have a lot of sexy babes for us to go crazy over, Blue Exorcist is lacking that. The two main female characters are hot enough, but nothing special when it comes to the juggernauts of shounen waifus. But I’ll admit, Yamada is a total banger in my book.

Those lips tho.

So, I’ll finish up this season, and I think that’s where my journey will end with Blue Exorcist, even if it gets another season after this. It was fun while it lasted, but you gotta know when to call it quits, and just give up.

Nah, the mangaka just gave up on making girl characters.

Are you watching the third season of Blue Exorcist? Do you like Blue Exorcist? Do you think the Blue Exorcist girls are hot? Tell us in the comments.

il-Palazzo 1 year ago
I can’t even exert enough willpower to read it on MangaPlus once a month, so no.
djeargon29 1 year ago
I had honestly forgotten about blue Exorcist. I think its cool its getting another season.
Anon - . 1 year ago
I started reading Blue Exorcist in 2012, but after one book and a few episodes I gave up
Anon - x hunter 1 year ago
i read it at my local library
its been more than a year since the last new tome
BunnyBow 1 year ago
Been keeping up with the manga, so yes I have payed attention. Doubt I'll watch it though
Anon - Hamm 1 year ago
I like Blue Exorcist. I felt that whole thing with Yukio and Rin's grandpa was unnecessary
spartan_073 1 year ago
I'm actually a fan of Blue Exorcist, it;s one of the few manga series I actively follow and purchase. However, I do grant lack of good female characters has always been something that niggled me, but I just really like the more grounded power and combat systems in the manga and plus a good supporting cast. It doesn't have any area in particular it excels at, but it also doesn't lag anywhere.
Anon - King Bitch 1 year ago
I prefer Twin-Star Exorcists, but I started Blue Exorcist so I might as well finish it.