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Overwatch 2 Cancels Its Main Selling Point
By WakeUpSnooze • 11 months ago

It’s a good thing that Overwatch 2 has some of the best animated porn in the third party market, because May 16th was not a good day for the community. Let’s back up a bit. Overwatch 2 came out October 4th, 2022 and was received with heavy criticism. Why? Well, because there really wasn’t much of a reason to slap that big 2 up there. There weren't a ton of new maps. Not many new characters. New modes? Go kill yourself. It acted as a big reset for many people’s accounts that really didn’t need to happen at the time as nothing much changed about the game itself. However, there was one hope. One glorious, exciting, appealing hope: co-op gameplay. A PvE mode was announced that would be added shortly after the official upgrade to Overwatch 2. It would mainly focus on featured missions that players could compete together. While doing so they could customize skill trees and work through a co-op campaign to learn more about the characters and experience the game in a completely new way. Longtime fans held onto that hope for months. And yet a few days ago it was snuffed out. 

Blizzard came out and announced that due to the development progress not meeting expectations, most of that content has been scrapped. They still plan to do an occasional event here and there that sounds like it will offer co-op, but nothing on the scale of the original promises. As you may put together, this did not go over very well in the community. Pitchforks were raised! Keyboards were typed upon! By god, drag those devs out into the street and burn them at the stake! While I’m somewhat disappointed that this got canceled, I certainly don’t blame the devs. Blizzard has been shooting themselves in the foot for years now with multiple scandals, tons of layoffs, and greedy business practices. I have little doubt that the reason this portion of the game got reneged is because the cost and time to develop the new mode didn’t sound as appealing as working on the new battle pass to executives. Despite the outcry, I don’t anticipate any movements starting and growing big enough to convince Blizzard to consider otherwise, so I’m afraid this may be a major loss for the fans.

This community needs some healing alright.

Well if you don’t mind me, I’m going to go ahead and indulge in the best part of the game: the porn. God bless these animators who truly broke their backs in order to bring these characters to life. Are you playing Overwatch 2? Were you interested in the co-op content? Is this another classic Blizzard fuckup? Select your character, move the payload, and fight off those other players in PvP in the comments below!