Well, it’s not actually new, Newgrounds been around for a long ass time, before I knew that cartoon porn was a thing. Newgrounds and I go back to the old days of Shadman’s up and coming career, to when Meet n’ Fuck was the only interactive sex game you could find. But recently, with the whole Tumblr NSFW purge, many NSFW artist are moving over to Newgrounds to escape it.
Tom Fulp, creator of Newgrounds, made a POST welcoming all the new artists who have migrated to the NSFW bunker that is Newgrounds. It’s not surprising that the first place NSFW artists flock to is Newgrounds, since they’re the OGs of NSFW art. If you’ve never heard of Newgrounds, I advise you to go check it out!
Have you heard of Newgrounds? Will Tumblr ever be trusted again? Will Newgrounds become the new place to go for NSFW art? Tell us in the comments below.
While other more modern sites fall into the corporate trap of being advertisement friendly, Newgrounds will still let you post any shit you want!