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Netflix Plans To Make A Scott Pilgrim Anime Adaptation. Hmm.
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago
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It’s not often I read a piece of news and have literally no idea what emotion my body is feeling in response. There’s so many cards in play here you see. Recently Netflix announced plans for a Scott Pilgrim anime based on the graphic novel series. Little is known regarding the details of the project (no release dates, timeframes, etc.) but if the project is greenlit the animation would be done by Science Saru. They worked on a couple shorts for the Star Wars: Visions collaboration with Disney a few months back, though I’m still not familiar enough with them to be excited for the animation based on the name alone. Essentially this is about as basic an announcement as you can get: it’s in the works. 

Now I know Scott Pilgrim as a franchise must have some redeeming qualities because the fanbase is massive. Plus, even as someone who has never seen a single minute of the movie in my entire life, I somehow know the premise, that the girl is named Ramona Flowers, and that a band called Black Sheep is in it. That’s a decent amount of information for a non-fan to know which means the series was pretty popular back when that movie came out. Still, even though the fanbase exists, I don’t know how excited they’d be for an anime adaptation from Netflix. Netflix has quite the bad rep these days for turning some classic anime into live action atrocities. At the same time, Netflix has been involved in producing anime like Komi Can’t Communicate and there doesn’t seem to be many issues on that front. So perhaps since this is going from a graphic novel series to an anime instead of an anime to a live action, it could still turn out to be a quality anime. Which still feels weird even to type. I have to say I’d definitely give it a shot to see what they come up with but I'm not going to sit around holding my breath for its release either.

Man why DO I know these things? You ever pick up knowledge and have no idea from where?

Well there ya go. For now there’s nothing to do except wait around and see what ends up happening. Did you watch the Scott Pilgrim movie or read the graphic novels? What’s the appeal of the series? Are you excited for the anime or do you have low expectations already? Find a girlfriend, fight off her crazy exes, and claim victory in the name of love in the comments below!

---------------- 3 years ago
I... actually think this could work, and am trying very, very hard right now not to get my hopes up. All they need to do is just recreate the comic (I refuse to follow pretentions of assumed legitimacy implied by the term "graphic novel") and not fuck up Scott's character like the movie did, and it has a real chance of being good.
Oddest Ball 3 years ago
Copy/paste the artstyle and story and they should be golden. But we all know that modern entertainment loves to fail before it's showtime. As for the material, I could only get as far as the introduction of the rock band ex before the site refused to let me read any more. The game was fun enough though.
DraStic 3 years ago
I hope that they would at least have some semblance of the original comic artstyle by Bryan Lee. People in the fanbase have been looking for that kind of stuff including me. Also, it's kinda weird how they announced it this year when they had the perfect opportunity to announce it back when it had a little resurgence back in 2020. Maybe the concept hadn't crossed their minds back then Idk.
kelb 3 years ago
Castlevania was a banger so I'm tentatively in.
Anon - Speaking of Flixing 3 years ago
Netflix has said and done a lot of things lately. At this point I’m just wondering how long it’ll be before they open up a porno film streaming service as a separate “adults only” feature. Say what you will, sex sells and everyone knows it. Problem is, some online sites would have to compete for exclusivity or be bought out… hmm…
Anon - Victory Knight 3 years ago
Having little to no knowledge of this series, I will quote Cowboy Bebops Jet Black: I don't know and I have no opinion. (Which, I will admit it is odd for me to not have an opinion.)
exodusee7 3 years ago
Considering how the film fucking sucked, they should've gone the route of an animated series to begin with. The anime short about Scott Pilgrim was actually pretty decent.
Anon - nnnnnnn 3 years ago
This could work considering it was a comic before a movie. An anime, or really any animated version of the comic would translate the comic better than a live action could IMO, not that I disliked the live action movie.