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Dating An AI... Of Your Friend?
By WakeUpSnooze • 8 months ago

AI finally seems to have calmed down in the mainstream news. Everyone realized that it’s not quite time to surrender to our robot overlords just yet and many lost interest. It took a backseat in my mind too, until I picked up AI no Idenshi this season. This anime is a series of short stories that take place in the near future and force the viewer to ask themselves some hard questions about emerging technologies. The most recent episode focused on different ways people could use AI to “help” them in their love life. One short story depicted a young boy using a combination of augmented reality tech, 3D modeling, and AI generation to date an AI. An AI of his classmate, that is. 

Until now, this dilemma has taken the form of “is it okay to fap to someone you know”. Personally I try not to do it, but at the same time I’m not above it on rare occasions. I will say I actively tend to avoid doing so to any girls I have to regularly interact with. Then again I’m a doujins blogger so that number is pretty much “0” year round anyway. Point is I reckon everyone has the right to their private thoughts and it’s not necessarily morally wrong to do such as long as it doesn’t form into some obsession or other over-the-top action. However, how do we feel about a future where someone could upload your pictures, a few voice clips, and boom be set to date and fuck a fake version of you? In the episode this combination of tech is quite convincing and I could easily see people trying it out if it became available in our lifetimes. Nowadays I think the whole ordeal would be too creepy for me. If I’m gonna pretend to date some AI in fantasy augmented reality land, I’d probably make it based on some anime girl I really like. That’s delusional enough already for my ass. Basing it off a real human, especially one I know, sounds too dangerous to me. But sadly this is an older and wiser Snooze talking. As a young lad? I’d have mom’s credit card in my pocket and ready to buy this software in a heartbeat to try it out. Limits be damned, it’s time to see what dating an AI version of my hot teacher is like.

Eight ball says: Not Likely.

TL;DR I wouldn’t date an AI based on someone I know nowadays, but if I was growing up in a time when that tech was developing, then young Snooze may be on a one way ticket to a heavenly delusion. One thing is for sure, I’m loving how much AI no Idenshi is making me contemplate technology on the horizon. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you’ve got plenty of time still. Would you ever try to date an AI if they got more advanced? Would you be okay tuning an AI based on someone you know? Do you think combining AI with scanning tech and AR/VR is too dangerous? Score some robot eyes, backup your memories to the cloud, and marry your favorite AI in the comments below!