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My Genderbend Academia
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 4 years ago
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I see a lot of people on this site sometimes not liking genderbend content. The idea that the person used to be a guy even though they have working girl parts now, still freaks some people out. Someone like me, and girl is a girl, so I’ll definitely still SMASH. And today, we’ll be DETROIT SMASHING some of these girls, because the boys of My Hero Academia are all female now! Artist JMG hit the boys with a genderbend quirk, and they're now all sexy and bust female heros. Best quirk ever!

If I had to pick a favorite, it might have to be Kirishima. I’m not sure why I think he looks super sexy in girl form. The only thing though is that I would be a little afraid of those teeth if he-I mean, she, decided to want to give me a blowjob. But aye, I take what I can get.

Have you seen JMG art before? Who do you think is the hottest genderbend out of the boys? Are you into genderbend? Tell us in the comments.

jupmod 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
I don't mind genderbend, yet it depends on the design of the genderbend character. Naruko is a great example. She does not look like Naruto at all, and I like it. I think as long as the female character does not look too much like the male character, I'm okay with it. There are male characters that look like girls that making them girls is okay. 'Naruto's Haku is an example.
Yvumbra 4 years ago
I actually like genderbend a bit, although I'm not to keen when the artist just slaps some breasts and a vagina on the former male character while still keeping the character's original body type and/or hair (there are some mha doujins that are guilty of this imo).
GameJunkie999 4 years ago (edited 4 years ago)
Is it weird that i found Shigarakis Genderbend having the hands of her dead family on her tits hot AF?
Nk17 4 years ago
The art here is pretty great! I'd say my favourite would probably be between bakugo or midoriya it's just that look in their eyes man
Anon - VNT 4 years ago
A buddy of mine who lives in California points out why he doesn't like it.

"Unfortunately, I live in California and have to put up with that in real life from every half-baked tumblrite that lives here, so I don't care much for it."

I, however, really like genderbending stuff. I blame Ranma for it.
kelb 4 years ago
Aaaand ... followed on Twitter .
MrObvious 4 years ago
Bakugo would be my waifu here^. Her rashly violent and delinquent bad girl state really wets my whistle. I'm not into it but I can see the appeal as you saw with me here.
Anon - Fand 1 year ago
Smash or pass
Anon - Scott mccall 3 years ago
All of them
Anon - Nuo 4 years ago
I don't mind gender bender at all. It doesn't really matter to me as long as it's well done. My issue is when they lack inspiration and it's absolutely the same character but with giant breasts.
Those MHA drawings for example I don't find them interesting because they all have the same body type, although I do appreciate some of the efforts on the eyes and hair.