This week saw the release of a highly anticipated sequel to a hardcore action video game that formed a cult following after its release a few years ago, and it looks like the developers went all in and turned up the extremity to eleven. No, not Doom Eternal, that's next week. Nioh 2 is finally out now! The follow-up to what people referred to as "Dark Souls but with samurai" before Sekiro came out.
Like its combat, Nioh's great monster design was influenced by Souls games past, only borrowing more from Japanese folklore instead of western fantasy and Berserk. And, like Souls, there are a few fuckable bosses among the many monstrosities you face on your journey. To commemorate the launch of Nioh 2, I thought I'd write about some of my personal favorites from the first game.
From kinky kunoichi to yummy yokai, here are my top five hottest bosses from Nioh!
5. Maria
Starting things off with one of the few human female bosses in the game, and also the only European woman in the game. This Spanish spy has come to take Japan's Amrita her own country and won't stop without a fight. Don't let her pretty face and frail complexion fool you; she shares more than just a name with one of Bloodborne's hottest and hardest bosses.
4. Okatsu
And here's the only other human female boss. Okatsu is a familiar, pretty face that assists our protagonist William in his travels, acting as a tsundere love interest at times. And what kind of tsundere would she be without a boss fight? When she's under the mind control of villain Edward Kelley, William learns firsthand that this beautiful ninja can rival even her master, Hattori Hanzo.
3. Yuki-Onna
One of the most well-known forms of yokai, 'yuki-onna' translates to 'snow woman,' and refers to the vengeful spirit of a lady that died during a snowstorm. In this case it's Nouhime, the princess/wife of warlord Oda Nobunaga, who was resurrected by Kelley and freezes the city of Kyoto out of grief for her dead husband. She bears a couple of similarities to Dark Souls' Crossbreed Priscilla, and it's ironic that Nioh's coldest boss is also one of its hottest.
2. Hino-Enma
Apparently, her name translates to 'flying bad luck,' and that's exactly what she inflicted upon plenty of unknowing players at a pretty early point in the game. On the other hand, who doesn't like a vampire waifu? The black tongue, bat wings and absurdly tall geta seal the deal for me. Just make sure you stock up on antiparalytic needles.
1. Joro-gumo
Here's a bit of a confession: I clearly remember one of the first boners I ever got was caused by the spider from A Bug's Life. I was also really into Lord of the Rings as a kid and got pretty worked up whenever I saw the bit in Return of the King where Frodo gets encased in webbing by Shelob before she takes him back to her lair. Long story short: I fucking love spider girls, so who else to pick for the #1 spot? The sexy geisha look the human portion has going on puts her head, shoulders eight legs and epigyne above Dark Souls'' own Quelaag.
So that's my list of Nioh's hottest bosses, but what do you think? Who's your favorite boss from the first game? Are you planning on picking up the sequel? Let us know below!