Nioh 2's Bust Slider and Jiggle Physics
By Kasaix • 5 years ago
Nioh is a popular and acclaimed title, so it's no wonder a sequel is being made as we type. This game looks to have character customization, so of course beta players in Japan immediately went to the game's best girl to see what she could do. Turns out, there's a bust slider, which makes the bust size all the more apparently thanks to the jiggle physics in place. A cultured twitter user posted a video clip showing this off, which you can see HERE.
Another cultured twitter user with keen eyes for the lewd found the best ninja girl here a bit turned over. There's an upskirt shot that shows her underwear. No more puns here, the devs designed her underwear, and there's not a lot there. A link to that video can be found HERE.
Anon - Hillary
5 years ago
Sadly you can bet good money this will be removed in a western port, you know, because they are free and progressive societies.
5 years ago
Nioh 2 beta was amazing, and the character creator is great. Amazingly, it has options to create characters of many nationalities with different facial bone structure and hair options for dreadlocks, straight hair, and monstrously curly hair. As far as jiggle physics, it seemed a bit wonky; my girl's chest moved like her robe was filled with water during the first boss cut-scene.
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