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Legal Fee Assistance
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago

Life can be hard on anyone and can come out of nowhere. Life is unfair and you can get knocked down for doing something simple or doing nothing at all. Power is everything, and if someone has power over you no matter how much in the right you are, power can still win over you. Gloria Barbosa, or maybe better known as Purity Sin, is going through this specific situation as we speak. Here's the detail:

Hello my name is Gloria Barbosa. Some of you guys may know me from my hobby as a youtuber. Well I come to you guys asking for help, you see I live in a townhouse which for those who don't know is a type of condo and with condo's come condo associations which for anyone who has to deal with these or homeowner associations know that all it takes is giving people a little power for things to go to hell.

For a few years we have had problems with the association, it's gotten worse since last year and now it has gotten to the point of actual legal litigation. I also no longer feel comfortable leaving my own home due to the harassment that my family and I face with the situation that the association has created. They have also used my service dog as a means of attacking me to the point they have caused a regression in her training.

Currently I live with my mother and both of us live off our disability I also bring in some money through views on youtube and with donations through Patreon which helps us just barely make it month to month.

As most know court is very expensive and since I live on such a fixed income I ask you to take a moment and perhaps put in just a dollar to help out. My family and I would be very grateful for all the help and I will keep everyone posted on what happens with this entire thing but for now this is all I can say about needing your help due to pending litigation. 

Thank you very much

If you want to help Gloria through this struggle, you can follow her GOFUNDME, every dollar counts in this situation.

Do you think her situation is over the top? Have you ever gone through something similar? Have you ever had problem with your living arrangements? Tell us in the comments below.