Old anime that never got their chance to shine and finish are making their comebacks. Or for this series, it would be better to say that it never was completed, since it did have its time to shine, with how many people loved its first run. But now, it’s seemingly getting its Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood treatment, with the light novel being completed.
Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF is a remake of the original series that aired in 2007. It was one of those series that people praised and was sort of a must watch. But, I could see it being hard for new anime watchers to get into the show, since it doesn’t have a normal plot. It’s not an action series, or a harem, but more so about economics and selling goods. Weird plots like this are usually a recipe for success, which many seemingly consider this series as such.
I know I'm watching for the plot.
So now with a remake, it gives the people who missed it when they were younger a chance to enjoy it with new visuals. My only concern at this point is that the visual does give off a more moe vibe, compared to the original, which feels off for this series. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be when watching the PVs, but I do feel like I enjoy the less bright colors and harder art style compared to the remake.
I’m ready to finally see Spice and Wolf in its entirety, and see if it’s as good as everyone praised it to be. Is it a timely classic, or something that was good back in its time.
Are you excited to watch the new Spice and Wolf? Did you watch the original Spice and Wolf in 2007? Do you like the new artstyle? Tell us in the comments.