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It's Not Just Your Imagination, A New Blogger Is Here
By WakeUpSnooze • 4 years ago

Well, well, well. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here to say I’ve broken free. I’ve escaped from the depths of Kinky’s mind and made it into the real world. As you can see I’ve got my own separate account: live and in the flesh. This should help keep things straight so I don’t have to put “hey it’s actually Imaginary” at the top of every article or game review I do to fill in for Kinky. Assuming you might have a couple questions, let’s address those right quick.

So who are you?

All jokes aside, I’m honestly Kinky’s friend as well as the coder for his shit game. I know many have suspected that Imaginary was Kinky just being a psycho with a personality disorder. While I do agree he’s a psycho, I have to come clean once and for all and say that no, I really am a separate person. Other than that I stay on the typical, nerdy holy trinity of anime, games, and doujins.

What does this mean for the blog?

Not much. If you’re a frequent reader chances are you’ve already read an article or two of mine and just didn’t notice, especially in the game reviews department. And if you’re not a frequent reader then one more dumbass writing stuff probably isn’t going to affect your day much.

My face when I don't have to live inside Kinky's account anymore.

If you have any other questions feel free to hit me up in the comments and I’ll try to answer them, this is just a quick little update article to make sure everyone’s in the loop. Other than that, I’ll see you guys in a couple days back on the regular grind.