Hey everyone, ImJustThatKinky, and I’m a new blogger around here. I’m the replace for the old blogger ImJustThatKinky. It’s sad to see someone go but we must move on a preserver. So I hope all the readers here will give me a chance and hopefully enjoy my articles that I have planned for you.
Now being the perverts that we all are, we love and enjoy ourselves some porn, whether its real porn, hentai, doujins, pictures, audio, visual novels, there’s a whole butt load of porn out there. And with all these different choices, you would think any normal pervert would be happy. But for this pervert, the more porn that is out there, the more stress my life becomes.
Now I’m in love with all of these types of porn, well except for pictures, I don’t know how people can jerk it to just a pictures. My option on what I can jerk it to is almost endless, and the wide range of kinks that I’m into, I have so much porn that I can experience. But that’s the problem. I’m still young, I’m in my 20’s and even though I have like 60+ (if I’m lucky) years ahead of me, I know that I’ll never be able to watch or read all the porn that I am interested in. Let me give you an example. My doujins favorite list is literally over 13,000, and those aren’t the one’s I read and was like ”that was great, I want to put this on my favorite list so I can read it again.” No! I use my favorite list as a “read later” list. So that meand I have over 13,000 doujins that I plan to read one day, and it keeps increasing since Doujins.com wants to release a new batch of doujins every week.
My face when I see a new doujin release come out!
And that’s just how much doujins I have on my favorites list, I haven’t even gone into the audio porn and cosplay porn that I have waiting for me. And the cosplay porn scene is getting bigger now, so there are so much more fucking porn for me to fap too. I’m just one man, I don’t have time to be jerking it all day. Microkitty is an example. She’s a newcomer in the cosplay porn scene and she does a lot of RWBY characters which is a real treat for me. But watching her videos, is keeping me away from all my other porn material. Wait, she said on one of her posts that she’ll try to do 3 videos every month. Fuck! She’s taking up my time and money!
The only cosplayer that gives Kali the love she deserves!
Now this isn’t a problem that can be solved, hell, it’s a problem that I don’t want to be solved. It’s better to have too much than too little, I just wanted to bitch for a little bit.
Also if you’re still confused, this is ImJustThatKinky, I’m not a weird intern who stole his job and is using his name or something’s. It was only an April fool’s joke. April fool’s is like one of the shittiest days, yeah?
Do you think there's too much porn? Will you finsh all the porn that you want to finish before you die? How big is your favorite's list? Is Microkitty making RWBY porn great again? Tell us in the comments below.