You know, I used to be something of a memer myself. I knew the little girl burning down the house, the bad luck Brian meme, the.. Uh the one with the penguin and sometimes he goes to the left and sometimes he goes to the right. Nowadays though I know I’m getting out of the loop because memes can have entire life cycles, be born and die, before I ever catch wind they existed in the first place. Not this time though ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m here to investigate one of the latest memes on the Internet: the homeless waifu.
This one got started on 4chan way back in October of 2020 when some guy decided to take a picture of independent Japanese singer Mogusa Shirose and combined it with some text that painted it as his own custom story: the depiction of a Japanese girl who has become homeless and is now dying in the cold because her husband spent all their money on video games. The photo was a part of a series that she did in the snow, and thus multiple have been used in different versions of the meme now. However, the one that you see below, used in the original post, is the most common variant because she just looks so fucking dead inside it really makes the accompanied text seem valid.
Regardless, that was 2020. We’re in 2022, so what happened? The meme didn’t become viral until this year last month in June when it was reposted on 4chan by someone else, and then subsequently posted to reddit. Once the meme hit Twitter, it really took off and now finally I’m seeing full on YouTube videos showing how the meme has evolved over time which I’ll link below. You see, as it spread across the Internet the format basically became the “waifu” is disappointed in the husband who has either spent too much on video games, funko pops, anime figurines, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and/or similar shit. Interestingly enough, Mogusa’s Instagram is private and her YouTube has been inactive since 2018 so I’m not sure if she is even aware of the meme’s spread in America.
It’s crazy how you can post something once, it sees little to no traction, and then some other fuck can post the same or similar shit at a different point in time and suddenly it takes off like wildfire and comes into contact with millions of people across the world. Goes to show how much of this Internet shit is pure luck of being at the right place at the right time. Just like gambling baby, I know my turn is coming up soon. Huh? N-no honey I haven’t spent all of our money on lottery tickets…The heating bill is coming up? Uh listen guys I gotta go. Have you seen this meme going around? Do you still keep up with meme culture? Pay your bills, eat well, and don't let your waifu die in the snow due to hypothermia in the comments below!