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How Did These Mid Shows Get Season 2's?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 9 months ago

With the Spring Season of Anime ending, that means some shows have reached their final conclusions, other ending on cliff hangers, with no sign of getting another season, and others getting a season 2 announced right after the credits stop rolling. Well, this was a good season of anime for me. I enjoyed a lot of the shows that I picked up and was mostly not disappointed, but, the disappointment did hit when the shows I enjoyed didn’t get a season 2 announced unlike the other not so good shows this season.

Shows that got season 2's

Now I am happy for anyone who watched these mid shows getting a season 2. Even if I don’t think highly of these shows, that doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve another season. It’s just that I feel like some of these shows are carried by they’re source material popularity, more so than its actual quality. Like, how the fuck did Midshle get a season 2. How many people actually like that fuck ass manga?

My face when Midshle get a season 2.

And then we have the GOATs of the season just ending and not getting anything announced afterwards. I loved the hell out of these two shows. One was just so different from the other anime airing that season, and another was just such a well written slice of life story, with actual progression. And both of them got cucked with no second season announcement.

Now just because they didn’t get a season 2 announced right away, doesn’t mean all hope is lost. I might get a season 2 announcement later in the months, or years, but that still isn’t as hopeful as getting a season 2 announced right after a season finally. Well, at least one of my favorite anime from that season got a season 2.

Do you think those four shows deserve another season? What anime did you enjoy during the spring season? Did a show you like get another season? Tell us in the comments.