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Have You Been To A Red Light District?
By WakeUpSnooze ā€¢ 3 years ago
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This will come as a shock to probably no one, but I donā€™t get out much. And the reason I donā€™t get out much is because thereā€™s no legal red light district that I know of in my area. If there was? Holy shit why not head down there every single night and become a regular? Maybe join a club and earn some membership discounts for repeat customers or something. Alright I know I talk a big game, but surely red light districts arenā€™t as appealing in real life as often depicted in the media. Right now Demon Slayer is conducting its Red Light District Arc so now I have another damn reason not to fap until after Iā€™m done watching anime for the day. Point is, this ordeal has definitely made me wonder about visiting one in real life. Except I need the girls to be there by choice, not because they have debts to pay and are thereby sold and forced into the lifestyle like they are in Demon Slayer.

My face when I learned it's forced sexual labor.

I did a bit of research, and according to Wikipedia (the most reliable source on the Web) prostitution is still illegal in almost every area in the United States with the exception of rural counties in Nevada. In the past my area had a couple red light districts, but they were mostly destroyed and reconstructed so that investors and new business owners would be more willing to move their money into those places. So considering the difficulty of even finding a place, let alone a legal place that I wouldnā€™t be worrying my ass off at, I probably wonā€™t ever see one in my lifetime unless something crazy happens. Still, even if I went to one I might not be able to vibe anyway. Iā€™ve been a virgin for many years now under two pretexts: one day I will just magically run into a girl who loves me, and I want a connection with someone before having sex. One of those is a load of horseshit, and that would be the former. Growing up you learn that movie shit very rarely happens. On the other hand, I still hold out hope for that second part. The idea of going to a red light district and being someoneā€™s sixth customer that day all the while knowing deep down that they donā€™t give a fuck about me and donā€™t find me attractive in the slightestā€¦thatā€™s a hard pill to swallow. And Iā€™ve always sucked at swallowing pills. So I might have to pass it up even if I had the opportunity. Visiting though? Visiting a red light just to see what the atmosphere is like may be too hard to pass up.

The girls go for a night out to the red light district? Come on now, these doujins are pre-written at this point!

Anime sure love to keep my dick on its toes while Iā€™m trying to watch them. Oh well, at least it gives the lewd artists plenty of ammunition. As we learned with Lady Dimitrescu, horniess is one hell of a marketing strategy. Are you watching this Demon Slayer arc? Have you been to a red light district in real life? If you haven't, would you want to go? Put on your best suit, get that wallet ready, put a red light in the window, and leave a comment below!

Gennos 3 years ago
If you go hunting for red light districts abroad, don't go alone (should be obvious). If you are an American, the locals know you have money, and the enterprising sort (usually the taxi drivers), will want to establish a rapport with you. Be polite, treat them well, and they'll get you to the good spots where you'll rack up some crazy stories you can tell your friends about later.
Gennos 3 years ago
The only red-light district that I've been to that operates close to something that you see in anime/movies is in Amsterdam. Has actual window shopping. Everywhere else the red-light districts are underground - meaning it's illegal or it's [quasi] legal but has much more private settings for clients. They aren't anything like you see in anime/movies and some can be quite dangerous.
Anon - Vinegar Support 3 years ago
Too real man. I come here to coom, not to feel.
Noah_Webster 3 years ago
I am lacking the dough for such excursions. Even if that changes Iā€™m more likely to spend my money elsewhere.
koas2367 3 years ago
"Holy shit why not head down there every single night and become a regular?" because shit is expensive. at least when its good and safe anyways. people get this glorified idealized version of places like that and think it must be full of beautiful, safe women, but they arent. most are skeevy, diseased and full of ugly women who look heavily used.
Hectotane 3 years ago
Why does this feel like DĆ©jĆ  vu?

I've been to brothels back in my 20's. They're overpriced with no top at all. I'll just stick with "escort services."
MrObvious 3 years ago
Given the seedy and sordid reps many have, I'd stick to what I know. Yes this DS arc is on my radar and that's as close to a red light district I'd get to. Besides, there are none where I'm at having been cleared out in the 60s.
Anon - LeecherMan 3 years ago
As a teen everything gets you horny and the mere thought of hookers too. Reality is nothing like your phantasy. Don't let your imagination get the better of you. It is a transaction we are talking about. You give them money and they do their thing. Some are good with lots of techniques, others only do what they have to and are bored doing it. It is all very technical. Leave you ideals at the door.
Anon - LeecherMan 3 years ago
Go to the movies and check out the hookers in their brothels afterwards was a thing we did back in the day. Be not deceived: most foreign girls don't do it for fun but out of necessity. Some girls had ben lured under false pretense from the poorest parts of Eastern Europe, some from Thailand, others do it by free will to finance college. You have to check the place first. And yeah: legal here.
bazpanda 3 years ago
not even prostitutes wanted to touch my dick, they were repulsed by me.