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Hatsune Miku Gets Her Own Animated Series
By WakeUpSnooze • 4 years ago
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Welp. Very recently I wrote an article discussing Vocaloid and how it seems like it’s been a dying trend in recent years. To summarize my findings, data from Google Trends concurred that interest has been on the downhill as of late, but there are still some active members in the community. Crypton Future Media, the company that owns Miku, must have gotten wind of this and immediately announced a new animated series for Miku to ensure my article wouldn’t stay relevant for more than 5 minutes. Thanks guys, appreciate it. 

Details are slim but basically it’s supposed to be a journey into the Mikuverse… no I didn’t make that up. The company plans to craft “a modern, entertaining story with an exciting new look for Hatsune Miku”. I gotta be honest I don’t know what the fuck story you could craft around Miku at this point apart from “music saves the world guys”. Well I guess you could do a Dr. Stone type show but with Miku making Vocaloid music and explaining the process behind it, I’d watch that. Anyway, there are also plans in the works for Webtoons and comics to be made. Good news for any hardcore Miku fans but uh, I don’t think I’ll be downloading the Webtoon app for this one.

Replace that with some shit like "A DAC converts music from a digital format to an analog signal that output devices can use" and we're golden.

As I said there are not many details at the moment, that’s about all I have for you in terms of announcements. Not even a general timeline. BUT, investigating this whole fiasco reminded me I did an article in 2020 covering the shocking announcement that Miku would be attending Coachella 2020. I hadn’t given it any thought since then, however I saw that fact resurface while looking for news regarding this matter, and it was brought to my attention that Coachella was cancelled due to COVID last year. Now it all makes sense. Miku being there would have been a wild event that brought in at least SOME popularity and boosted the Vocaloid scene back up a bit. Since it was cancelled, that explains where there’s been so much of a gap in the company promoting her. What concerts can you promote with COVID? Therefore I wonder if this whole animated series idea is a way to produce some new shit for the community, just not in the way they had originally planned.

While we're on the subject, how about a hentai series? Just brainstorming here.

As far as I know this will be the first real animated series dedicated to Miku. My dumbass thought Black Rock Shooter was just Miku with black hair as a kid, but I assure you that’s not the case. I skimmed through some related media and didn’t see any substantial animated series dedicated to Miku, however if you know of one feel free to enlighten. Will you be watching the new series? Would Miku being at Coachella restored some of Vocaloid’s past popularity? The World Is Yours, so leave a comment below!

exodusee7 4 years ago
That is so insane that despite this franchise's popularity and massive exposure in merchandise and media,
it's yet to get a goddamn anime. That just blows my mind.
MrObvious 4 years ago
Hmm, maybe this will change the fortunes of the apparent Vocaloid decline. I wouldn't worry too much Snooze, knowing teh internets this will certainly spark a wild and fresh wave of memes and hentai.
Oddest Ball 4 years ago
Maybe it'll be like the inverse of Carol and Tuesday.
tetrimino 4 years ago
Not to be that guy but isn't miku like 14? Hard pass
ForestGWolfy 3 years ago
at least it would be a family friendly anime