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First No Guy Moans in Porn, Now No Guy FACES in Porn!!!
By ImJustThatKinky β€’ 3 years ago
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Now, it’s hard to be a guy in the porn industry. People want you, but then people don’t want you. They want a real guy pounding a girl with his dick, but they don’t want him to be making any noise during the process. They want a guy in their porn, but it can’t be a fat ugly bastard. It’s rough out here for guys in the porn industry. I’ve experienced it first hand. Now I’ve always heard people complaining about hearing male voices or moans in their porn, but this is the first I’ve heard of people complaining about male FACES!!!

I’ve been donating to a 3D animator by the user TheFireBrand, and they’re working on a new K/DA project, and the creator made a comment on how people were complaining about seeing the male model's face. Now I’ve never seen something like that before, but if that’s really a complaint, I would like to ask. Why? I get the guy moaning, but seeing a guy's face take you out of the moment? It’s getting really specific and harder to please people. What happened to the good old days, when you saw porn, jerked off to it, and left feeling relieved.

With people being able to voice their opinion a lot more now, and it actually changing the direction on how something is created, it gives people more of a voice and a reason to state their preference. Which is a good thing, but sometimes, trying to please everyone, will just make a product that no one likes. So at the end of the day, you should listen to everyone, but you should make the correct decision based on everything you’ve heard and your own judgment. But hey, the video is out, and you can be the judge of if you like it or not.

What do you think about covering the male face? Do you think seeing the male face would take you out of the experience? Have you heard of TheFireBrand? Tell us in the comments.

jupmod 3 years ago
First time I ever heard of this. People do not like hearing men moan, and now they do not want to see their faces? What a bunch of BS! I guess they do not want to see passionate hot sex, showing a couple moaning, groaning, and sweating toward a climax finish.. Heck, that's how they show it in hentai doujins and anime sometimes, and it's a turn-on. I miss the old days of porn.
Void-Lord 3 years ago
Honestly, the mask makes it more than distracting imo. That said, I'm not bothered with a male voice or face in porn.
Oddest Ball 3 years ago
Just makes it look like they're fucking a shaved Vega.
Anon - Anon 3 years ago
Would be weird if they did that with gay porn
Melonlover 3 years ago
All paths lead to futaxfemale it seems
yyouseff 3 years ago
Call me a tinfoil theorist, but I think this is because guys can no longer stand anything ruining their fantasy; there's no love in reality and porn, while they jerk off to it, is another stark reminder that its an ugly thing

Soon enough it'll be a disembodied dick
Maybe after that nothing at all
Anon - Supper 3 years ago
I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I know that logically on a scale of 10 I'm like a 6 in terms of looks. I work out and eat healthy but I'm a bald 29 year old man with glasses so I'm not getting any favors. Personally I like to have masked or ugly doods just pulling in the bitches cause it makes me feel better about my chances!
Alpha8 3 years ago
That's not something I would've expected. I mean, I personnaly don't care about wether or not we get to see the male face, be it because it's out of frame or whatever other reason, since it's not what will interest me in a video but I wouldn't go as far as complain because we can see it. I mean, come on, just because you see it won't make you gay or whatever, so just enjoy the porn.
Chaos729 3 years ago
I'm not a self inserting loser so I don't give a shit if they have a face or not
anon 3 years ago
i like it. for me, the guy is a necessary evil, at least in 3d porn.