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Are Western Female Games Characters Getting Uglier?
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago
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With sexy characters from both Final Fantasy Rebirth and Stellar Blade, being shown off and people drooling all over them, the conversation about the west having ugly female characters is coming up again.

I thought this was a guy face at first.

Now before we start roasting western games for ugly female characters, let’s not forget that Japanese games don’t always have those hot as fuck anime looking characters that people think they do. I remember when Monster Hunter World was shown and how many people were calling the Handler ugly, even though I thought she was cute in a weird kind of way.

I think she looks cute.

So it’s not like Japan always just makes the hottest of female characters, and let's not forget that the west made some of the hottest female characters in gaming. We got like, the whole Overwatch sluts in our western gaming catalogs.

Yeah, I'm talking about you love.

So it’s not like western gaming companies are devoid of hot female characters, it’s just as of recently, it seemingly has decreased on their side of the spectrum. With the west being more shy about sex appeal and showing off women's bodies, compared to Japans, we might see more of this trend. I miss how sexy western female game characters used to look.

What we used to have.

What we have now.

Do you think girls in western games are ugly? Do you think the Handler is ugly?Why is America afraid to have hot girls? Tell us in the comments.

Anon - SomeGuy 1 year ago
I think part of the reason is Western games these days try for a more realistic look and usually end up in the uncanny valley. What also doesn’t help is that graphics that go for realism also tend to age like milk in the looks department whereas the more cartoonish looking games will look good even decades later.
tanakaba 1 year ago
Handler is cute, in a kind of dorky way.
Elegance 1 year ago
It's not just the women, it's the games themselves. Many western games are so ugly to look at.
raptor4d4 1 year ago
I heard that one gaming studio was secretly ordering its character designers to make all their characters more androgynous to try and placate the trans activists by making characters more "inclusive" to them. I don't know many trans people who want game characters to be that ugly...
BootyHunter 1 year ago
I've heavily Blamed on the Adaptive WokeMobsters..
VeryTired 1 year ago
It's kinda funny, all the things these greedy companies do if it means making an extra buck, even if it makes the game completely suck... but then this topic comes along and they suddenly have no input. They haven't learned to make their game around waifus with beachball chests for easy sex sells money. Gotta appease the minority of female gamers who want to feel represented for some reason.
exodusee7 1 year ago
"Do you think girls in western games are ugly?"

Not really. But we do have a larger spectrum of physical appearances, which characters from Japan seem to lack.
WM-R 1 year ago
I can't be sure of this because I honestly can't be bothered to check, but when my sister was playing Horizon Zero Dawn Forbidden West I felt like Aloy looked off compared to how she looked in the original game.

And of course, you had the brouhaha about Mary Jane in the recent Spider-Man 2 game...
Chaos729 1 year ago
Getting, they have been for years now lmao.
ZanoKuro 1 year ago
I don't look for "sexy" to happen in my games just to play them. Hentai and porn exist for a reason. If sexy happens, okay, whatever, but that's going to have little to no influence on how it plays and how good the story is. If those fail, I don't care if they're walking around fuckin', the game is shit and no amount of fanservice will save it.